bakhuiyong / Camera-Motion-Detection-Using-CNN-in-Movie

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Training results #1

Open Namzakku opened 3 years ago

Namzakku commented 3 years ago

Hi! I'm curious what train, val loss and accuracy you got? And it would be really nice if you can talk a little bit more about the dataset structure!

ichlubna commented 1 year ago

I tried to run their code and made it work. For anyone interested, this is what I did:

Download dataset with the link in the paper. Use ALZip software to extract the egg archive. Have train, validation and test folders at the scripts folder with the data. Convert the notebooks to pypthon:

jupyter nbconvert CNN\ Based\ Detector.ipynb --to python
jupyter nbconvert Improved\ Extractor\ of\ Camera\ Motion.ipynb --to python

Create output folders

Here I have edited the scripts: