bakjos / FFMPEGMedia

Unreal FFMPEG Plugin to support more video formats and alpha videos
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non-existing PPS 0 referenced #1

Closed helldog136 closed 5 years ago

helldog136 commented 5 years ago


I just found your plugin and i plan on using it for my master's thesis. The plan is to stream video from a camera from another computer and display it inside an unreal engine app.

The video stream is sent from a python app doing some magic stuff with openCV then piping the stream in ffmpeg for him to send the video.

Currently i stream the video using this command: ffmpeg -hide_banner -i pipe:0 -an -f h264 udp://

I can see the stream using ffplay using the command ffplay -i udp://

However when i try to get the stream using UE4 StreamMediaSource with ffmpeg the image stays black and i get the following error: LogFFMPEGMedia: Error: FFMPEG - non-existing PPS 0 referenced LogFFMPEGMedia: Error: FFMPEG - non-existing PPS 0 referenced LogFFMPEGMedia: Error: FFMPEG - decode_slice_header error LogFFMPEGMedia: Error: FFMPEG - no frame!

Do you have any idea of what i did wrong? Or is this a bug?

Thanks Helldog136

helldog136 commented 5 years ago

Did not found a solution but changed the way i stream my video so i close this thread

bakjos commented 5 years ago

Hi, I've just made a small test, streaming a file with the same command you were using but instead of pipe0 I use a local file and it worked well for me, It may have something to do with the version of ffmpeg you're streaming with (I'm using the 4.0) or with the original file itself. Have you tried to use a local file instead, to be sure the plugin is setup correctly?