bakkerv / stretch2star

Plugwise Stretch to openHAB bridge
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Very interested in integrating my stretch into OpenHAB2 #1

Open hapklaar opened 6 years ago

hapklaar commented 6 years ago

Can you give some pointers on how this can be done? Not sure what to do with the files, or if it's even complete :)


bakkerv commented 6 years ago

Haven't worked in this (version of the) application for ages. It has evolved over time, capable of submitting to mqtt, influxdb and more. I has not been released (yet) on github. If you're interested, I could clean up the code a bit and release it (maybe on a different project)

hapklaar commented 6 years ago

I would be very interested!

stefanschoemaker commented 6 years ago

I would also be very interested!

bakkerv commented 6 years ago

Nice to see the increasing amount of interest. I've started to clean up the code a bit. The problem with the current code is that it contains some code I added for work that is not suitable for open publication. Once that is removed, I'll push the code + a release to github.