bakks / butterfish

A shell with AI superpowers
MIT License
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Feature Request: expanded embedding capabilities #12

Open bhazzard opened 1 year ago

bhazzard commented 1 year ago

Butterfish is supercool. I'd like expanded embedding capabilities. Primarily, I'd like to see:

Potential Approaches:

If this feature is prioritized, there are likely numerous approaches to implementation. A few I've thought of:

bhazzard commented 1 year ago

Also for this and #13, if we can figure out a solution approach that you're happy with (and that I'm capable of implementing), I'm happy to contribute.

bakks commented 1 year ago

Heyo @bhazzard - these are good thoughts and I'm bullish on this. I've been most focused on shell dev and for personal reasons (just had a baby) I haven't had as much time lately for development, if you want to contribute these I'm all for it! Tag me on PRs.

Some specific notes:

Anyway I'll add you to the separate repo and reach out separately. HAVE AT IT!