bakpakin / Fennel

Lua Lisp Language
MIT License
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Compatibility with Pluto #459

Closed dokutan closed 8 months ago

dokutan commented 1 year ago

Out ouf curiosity I tried running Fennel 1.3.1 on Pluto 0.6.3. Pluto is a fork of Lua 5.4 that claims "99.9% compatibility" with Lua:

./pluto fennel-1.3.1
fennel-1.3.1:2053: warning: too many arguments [excessive-arguments]
    2053 | provided = safe_compiler_env(false)
         | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ here: expected 0 arguments, got 1.
fennel-1.3.1:2287: warning: too many arguments [excessive-arguments]
    2287 | return add_macros(macro_loaded[modname], ast, scope, parent_)
         | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ here: expected 3 arguments, got 4.
fennel-1.3.1:2414: warning: too many arguments [excessive-arguments]
    2414 | return add_macros(macro_tbl, ast, scope, parent_)
         | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ here: expected 3 arguments, got 4.
fennel-1.3.1:4119: warning: too many arguments [excessive-arguments]
    4119 | parse_string(b)
         | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ here: expected 0 arguments, got 1.
fennel-1.3.1:4987: warning: too many arguments [excessive-arguments]
    4987 | local _135_0, _136_0 = f0(k, x)
         | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ here: expected 1 argument, got 2.
Welcome to Fennel 1.3.1 on PUC Lua 5.4!
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technomancy commented 1 year ago

This is interesting, but I don't think it's a good idea to rename all these locals just for compatibility with a fork.

When running Fennel on Pluto a few warnings about excessive arguments are produced. I am unable to decide whether these findings should be considered bugs in Fennel.

They're definitely not bugs, just unnecessary junk that can be safely deleted. Well, except for the last one:

fennel-1.3.1:4987: warning: too many arguments [excessive-arguments] 4987 | local _135_0, _136_0 = f0(k, x) | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ here: expected 1 argument, got 2.

This one is actually a bug in Pluto. Here's the relevant function:

(fn kvmap [t f ?out]
  "Map function f over key/value table t, similar to above, but it can return a
sequential table if f returns a single value or a k/v table if f returns two.
Optionally takes a target table to insert the mapped values into."
  (let [out (or ?out [])
        f (if (= (type f) :function)
              f ; <- unknown number of arguments
              #(. $ f))] ; <- one argument
    (each [k x (stablepairs t)]
      (match (f k x) ; <- pluto complains here
        (key value) (tset out key value)
        (value) (table.insert out value)))

Note that f here is either a hashfn of one argument or an unknown function passed in by the caller. Pluto seems to assume that it is always the former, but the second argument is needed in the latter case, and removing it as advised would cause a failure.

jaawerth commented 1 year ago

Since the fennel compiler is self-hosted, if you wanted to use it "live" (as it should work fine doing AOT compilation), one could actually use fennel to create a custom build that doesn't use those symbol names.

I'm not sure if we can consider this a supported part of the API, since internal variable names are by definition an implementation detail, but right now Fennel will actually alias the "manged" (turning a fennel identifier, which is much more permissive, into one that works with lua) form of local declarations if they have already been declared up-scope.

With that in mind, all one needs to do in order to compile fennel without the reserved names is use a parent scope where they already exist. Because I was curious whether it would work as well as I thought, I wrote up a quick example and hooked it into some basic CLI code to make a PoC command line tool you can run like the following to create a custom build.

# custom fennel.lua
RESERVED_WORDS='switch continue enum new class parent export' \
  ./compile-reserved.fnl path/to/fennel/src/fennel.fnl \

# custom fennel launcher
RESERVED_WORDS='switch continue enum new class parent export' \
  ./compile-reserved.fnl path/to/fennel/src/launcher.fnl \

@technomancy Since the anti-shadowing logic in this isn't an official part of the API, if there are other lua variants that also work except for certain reserved words, it might not hurt to have a compiler option for this just so people can build without relying on aspects of behavior that might change. I don't have a strong opinion on this, though.

compile-reserved.fnl CLI

The relevant bits are the compile-file and reserved-scope functions; the rest are mostly generic for writing a CLI tool with file io.

#!/usr/bin/env fennel
(local {: sym : list &as fennel} (require :fennel))

(local dir-sep (package.config:sub 1 1))
(local path-sep (package.config:sub 3 3))

(local default-opts {:requireAsInclude true :compiler-env _G})

(local help "Usage: ./compile-reserved.fnl path/to/src/fennel.fnl [outfile.lua]\n
* RESERVED_WORDS - space-delimited list of words to treat as reserved symbols\n")

(λ dirname [path]
  (select -1 (path:find (table.concat ["(.+)%" "+[^" "]*[" "]-$"] dir-sep))))

(λ copy-to [tgt ...]
  (faccumulate [t tgt i 1 (select :# ...)]
    (collect [k v (pairs (pick-values 1 (select i ...))) &into t]
      k v)))

(λ reserved-scope [reserved-words ?compiler-opts]
  (let [scope (fennel.scope (?. ?compiler-opts :scope))
        bind-reserved (icollect [_ v (ipairs reserved-words) &into (list)]
                        (sym v))]
   ;; Builds `(local (every reserved word) nil)` expression, which we will then
   ;; compile, throwing away the output. this ensures the parent of the child
   ;; scope we return contains the reserved words
   (fennel.compile (list (sym :local) bind-reserved (sym :nil))
                   (copy-to {} (or ?compiler-opts {}) {: scope}))
   (fennel.scope scope)))

(λ compile-file [infile ?reserved-words]
  "Compile infile to lua, aliasing any reserved words. Returns lua string."
  (let [add-fennel-path (.. (or (dirname infile) "") dir-sep "?.fnl")
        opts (copy-to {} default-opts {:filename infile})]
    (set fennel.path (.. add-fennel-path path-sep fennel.path))

    (when (and ?reserved-words (< 0 (length ?reserved-words)))
      (set opts.scope (reserved-scope ?reserved-words opts)))

    (with-open [fin ( infile)]
      (fennel.compile-string (fin:read :*a) opts))))

(λ write-file [filename data]
  (if (= :- filename)
    (io.stdout:write (.. data "\n"))
    (with-open [fout (assert ( filename :w))]
      (fout:write (.. data "\n")))))

(let [reserved (case (os.getenv :RESERVED_WORDS)
                 wordlist (icollect [word (wordlist:gmatch "%S+")]
  ;; Parse command-line arguments
  (case arg
    [infile outfile] (write-file outfile (compile-file infile reserved))
    [infile] (write-file :- (compile-file infile reserved))
    (where (or :-h :--help)) (io.stdout:write help)
    _ (do (io.stderr:write help) (os.exit 1))))
technomancy commented 1 year ago

I don't want to change the built-in list of reserved words without having some specific criteria for what constitutes a good reason to do so in future cases, (otherwise it sets an unsustainable precedent) but I would take a patch which allowed additional words to be added in the options table.

jaawerth commented 1 year ago

Agreed - changing the built-in would require us to keep up with various other nonstandard lua distributions or variants, but I think it's a reasonable change to allow an API-supported way to add them that could very well get rid of the only thing blocking usage on those platforms.

technomancy commented 8 months ago

Going to close this out but if anyone wants to take a shot at supplying a config option for reserved words that would be cool.

technomancy commented 8 months ago

This is fixed by #477; thanks!