bakpakin / Fennel

Lua Lisp Language
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`,apropos-doc` cannot find functions defined in REPL #462

Open HiPhish opened 1 year ago

HiPhish commented 1 year ago


the ,apropos-doc and ,apropos-show-docs cannot find functions defined on the REPL. Here is what I am doing in a fresh Fennel REPL started from the command-line:

$ fennel
Welcome to Fennel 1.3.1 on PUC Lua 5.3!
Use ,help to see available commands.
>> (fn herp [] "Herp derp lol" :herp)
#<function: 0x559fe514bcf0>
>> (fn derp [] "Herp derp rofl" :derp)
#<function: 0x559fe4f8e450>
>> ,apropos-doc derp

>> ,apropos-show-docs derp

First I define two functions herp and derp which have similar (but not same) docstrings. Then I search for the pattern derp. The first comma-command prints an empty line, the second one does nothing. However, the ,apropos command can find them just fine:

>> ,apropos erp
___repl___.env.___replLocals___.derp    ___repl___.env.___replLocals___.herp
technomancy commented 1 year ago

Yeah, currently those commands only search loaded modules, but they could certainly be extended to also search repl locals. Would be happy to take a patch for this.