bakqui / ST-MEM

[ICLR2024] Guiding Masked Representation Learning to Capture Spatio-Temporal Relationship of Electrocardiogram
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PTBXL dataset process #6

Closed pengqianhan closed 2 months ago

pengqianhan commented 4 months ago

Hello, thank you for sharing your code. It has been very helpful. I'm currently working on processing the PTB-XL dataset. While the script functions correctly, the output doesn't quite meet my training requirements. As shown in the image, the LABEL column contains the filename rather than the actual ECG label. Could you provide additional code or guidance on how to properly process the PTB-XL dataset to include the correct labels? I would greatly appreciate your assistance. Thank you in advance Snipaste_2024-07-24_16-03-29

YunwonTae commented 2 months ago

We appreciate your interest in this work!

We acknowledge that the index.csv file from “/data/process_data.ecg” only provides the processed signals without labels. However, we were confident that people could easily extend the label columns from public datasets, so we decided to release the general ECG processing clean code in this repository. The details about label processing are in our Appendix.

Thank you.