bakulf / priv8

privacy per firefox tab
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Shortcut buttons / bookmarks #13

Open madduck opened 9 years ago

madduck commented 9 years ago

Maybe there could also be a way to create bookmarks or toolbar buttons that open a given sandbox directly. Ideally, the URL can be specified independently, not just hardcoded in the sandbox definition (the "homepage"). So going to a bookmark or clicking on a button creates a new tab with a given sandbox applied, and loads a specific URL therein.

dogancelik commented 9 years ago

Update: I backed this issue, please support it:

An idea: sandbox:// or priv8:// is like a protocol (like http://) but not a real protocol. It's a shortcut, and will change Sandbox property of a tab.

Example: sandbox://APP_ID/YOUR_URL will open the sandbox with App Id APP_ID and URL YOUR_URL

So one can create a bookmark:

After going to sandbox://1005/, Priv8 will switch tab to a Sandbox tab, then Priv8 should automatically change this URL to original URL: