net = slim.max_pool2d(net, [3, 3], stride=1, scope='pool5')
The stride of pool5 is 1 and the size of it is [3,3],the default padding of slim.max_pool2d is 'VALID',why dont author set up padding?Without padding the size of output is [17,17] ,not [19,19].
第五层pool层中步长为1,size为33 ,slim.max_pool2d默认的是padding='VALID',这样算出来是1717,
但是我们在第七层的feature map要求是19*19啊,这里是否应该设置padding= 'SAME'
net = slim.max_pool2d(net, [3, 3], stride=1, scope='pool5') The stride of pool5 is 1 and the size of it is [3,3],the default padding of slim.max_pool2d is 'VALID',why dont author set up padding?Without padding the size of output is [17,17] ,not [19,19]. 第五层pool层中步长为1,size为33 ,slim.max_pool2d默认的是padding='VALID',这样算出来是1717, 但是我们在第七层的feature map要求是19*19啊,这里是否应该设置padding= 'SAME'