balancap / SSD-Tensorflow

Single Shot MultiBox Detector in TensorFlow
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Unable to get element from the feed as bytes. #30

Open cojosef96 opened 7 years ago

cojosef96 commented 7 years ago

Hello, I am using Tensorflow Ver. 1.0.0 I am using Python 2.7 I have GPU Nvidia Quadro K4200 I tried to run the script exactly as the READ ME file says and it faild at the training section. I tried to run this:

DATASET_DIR=./tfrecords TRAIN_DIR=./logs/ CHECKPOINT_PATH=./checkpoints/ssd_300_vgg.ckpt python \ --train_dir=${TRAIN_DIR} \ --dataset_dir=${DATASET_DIR} \ --dataset_name=pascalvoc_2012 \ --dataset_split_name=train \ --model_name=ssd_300_vgg \ --checkpoint_path=${CHECKPOINT_PATH} \ --save_summaries_secs=60 \ --save_interval_secs=600 \ --weight_decay=0.0005 \ --optimizer=adam \ --learning_rate=0.001 \ --batch_size=32

and it gives me an this error: "tensorflow.python.framework.errors_impl.InternalError: Unable to get element from the feed as bytes." If someone knows how to fix this error, I will be greatful.

balancap commented 7 years ago

Hello, I developed the project using Python 3.5, so they might be problems with Python 2. Sorry :/ I'll try to have a look this week see if I can manage to make it Python 2 compatible as well. I think your error should be related to incompatibilities between Python 2 and 3 in terms of string management.