balanced / balanced-dashboard

The Balanced dashboard.
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Accounts and Settlements #1527

Open dmdj03 opened 10 years ago

dmdj03 commented 10 years ago


mjallday commented 10 years ago

As a user of the dashboard I'd want to see all customers who have money in their sweep account waiting to be paid out.

I'd also want to be able to pay settle all those accounts.

dmdj03 commented 10 years ago

Customer page: • Shows customer balance • Tab layout to navigate between Orders, Disputes, Settlements, Payment methods, and Logs/Events • Orders tab divides payments into two tables: one for orders and one for unlinked transactions • Transactions are nested under each order • Main actions: create an order for this customer / settle balance screen shot 2014-11-21 at 1 28 39 pm

Filters: screen shot 2014-11-21 at 1 29 10 pm

Settlements tab: • Credits/Reversals are nested under each settlement • Each settlement also indicates direction of funds screen shot 2014-11-21 at 1 29 19 pm

Filters: • You can choose to collapse the settlements and hide the credit information screen shot 2014-11-21 at 1 29 34 pm

Settlement details page: • Shows the associated credits screen shot 2014-11-21 at 1 29 52 pm

Customer balance page: • Divides view into settled and unsettled credits screen shot 2014-11-21 at 1 37 18 pm

Settlement modal for a positive balance into the merchant's bank account: screen shot 2014-11-21 at 1 37 46 pm

Settlement modal for a negative balance, debiting funds from the merchant's bank account: screen shot 2014-11-21 at 1 37 58 pm

Separate settlements tab: • To minimize the complexity of the payments table, settlements are given their own table screen shot 2014-11-21 at 1 27 57 pm

Customers tab: • New customer balance column • Filter amount to view all customers with positive balances screen shot 2014-11-21 at 2 00 08 pm

mjallday commented 10 years ago

@dmdj03 generally excellent, here's a couple of thoughts:

  1. image

    If we're calling this customer account here maybe we should do it in the API spec too? Currently it's a "payable" account in the API. I don't care what terminology we use but consistency is king.

  2. As a customer I would like a view to see all unsettled customers.
  3. When I look at the customer how do I see all the transactions that have not been settled to them?
  4. image

    I think the more natural language here is "Successful credit" rather than "Credit succeeded"

dmdj03 commented 10 years ago

@mjallday I meant to say "customer balance" not "customer account." Account is too general and confusing—it may sound like an actual physical account.

dmdj03 commented 10 years ago

@mjallday the last screenshot of the customer table enables you to see all unsettled balances from customers

dmdj03 commented 10 years ago

@mjallday I think the current language is more natural. Some of them may work both ways, but "Credit succeeded" lends itself to a grammatically correct sentence should a description follow. It's less natural to write a complete sentence starting with "Successful credit..."

dmdj03 commented 10 years ago

@rserna2010 can you take a look at this?

dmdj03 commented 9 years ago

To accommodate settlements as well as the need to reflect a payable account balance and order balance, the customer page will be structured as follows:

Tab system separating buyer activity from merchant activity. For most customers who take on a single role—either buyer or merchant—the page will default to the tab with activity. The reason for separating the two out is so we can reflect the balances and show how it tabulates in the tables below. The merchant activity tab view will be split between orders and settlements. Tables below reflect "active" orders in which the merchant has not been paid. That total is the "funds owed" amount.

The tables group the transactions by order. You'll see the associated transactions per order that are relevant to this customer. Since this is the merchant activity view, you'll see credits, reversals, and settlements made to this customer.





dmdj03 commented 9 years ago


Tables are divided between unsettled credits and settled credits: accounts_and_settlements_5 accounts_and_settlements_6

View of an empty settlements page: accounts_and_settlements_7

dmdj03 commented 9 years ago

Buyer activity:

View is grouped by order showing associated holds, debits, and refunds as part of the buyer activity.


dmdj03 commented 9 years ago

Payment methods tab:


dmdj03 commented 9 years ago

Settlement details page:

Shows the individual credits that make up the settlement


dmdj03 commented 9 years ago

New settlements tab:

View is split between unsettled credits and settled credits:

screen shot 2014-12-09 at 10 50 52 am

screen shot 2014-12-09 at 10 51 44 am

mjallday commented 9 years ago

unsettled credits -> unsettled transactions maybe?

otherwise you're going to have to do a separate tab for reversals and any other transaction types that may be created in the future

dmdj03 commented 9 years ago

Customer tab

Addded a payable balance column and total funds owed column in addition to a role column. The role helps you identify the relevancy of these balances to the merchant role and not the buyer role.

screen shot 2014-12-09 at 11 46 34 am

dmdj03 commented 9 years ago

Customer page, merchant activity view:

Changes: • Load more button treatment • Total funds owed placement • Indicate # of transactions in an order • Separate the payable account section as its own page


Buyer activity: customer_buyer_activity

Payment methods:

Changes: • Added the payable account as a payment method customer_payment_methods

Payable account page: payable_account

dmdj03 commented 9 years ago

Payment methods tab:

screen shot 2014-12-11 at 5 11 12 pm screen shot 2014-12-11 at 5 11 22 pm

dmdj03 commented 9 years ago

Bank account details page showing orders and settlements:

screen shot 2014-12-19 at 5 50 59 pm

kyungmin commented 9 years ago

@dmdj03 Orders are not displayed in the settlement page and payable account page. Is this intentional? Also what would it look like if there are reversals?



dmdj03 commented 9 years ago

I'm only showing the credit from the order. Same with the table for the main settlements tab. Otherwise, we would have to sacrifice space and double the height of each row for each credit/order.

Are you referring to a "reversal" settlement? Since we're not distinguishing it with a new term, the arrow icon will point backwards in the payment methods column.

kyungmin commented 9 years ago

I'm referring to an actual Reversal made to a Credit, which is not common but may happen.

I'm only showing the credit from the order.

Which order are you referring to? Shouldn't the credits grouped by orders in the settlement/account page?

kyungmin commented 9 years ago

On the settlement page, I wonder if it makes more sense to group the credits by order, instead of repeating the settlement.

dmdj03 commented 9 years ago

Here's an example of settlements with reversals from the customer account back to an order

kyungmin commented 9 years ago

How do I know which Credit this Reversal was for?

dmdj03 commented 9 years ago

You would have to look at the reversal details page.

dmdj03 commented 9 years ago

What do you mean instead of repeating the settlement?