balanced / billy

Billy - The open source recurring billing system, powered by Balanced.
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Automatic Subscriptions #3

Open mahmoudimus opened 11 years ago

mahmoudimus commented 11 years ago

(migrated from balanced/balanced-api#183)

Program API interface to show usage:

buyer = <account details> )

subscription = balanced.Subscription.get( <subscription id/name> )

subscription.enroll( buyer )

For reasoning. As a Balanced user I should not have to perform manual subscription handling, unless I need that control. Balanced should handle subscription creation, pricing, subscription interval, and apply filters to the subscription to effect payments, such as coupons.

I currently handle the subscription process, but have noticed that other services offer the above through their API thus removing the work further from me and allowing me to focus on my application instead of intricate details that ultimately I should not have to worry about.

SecurityForUs commented 11 years ago

I mentioned this on IRC last year mate, glad to see this being implemented though. Will definitely bring in some use as I know a few people who would like this.

mcandre commented 11 years ago


Yes, please! Currently, PopPoney is the only online peer-to-peer payment system that offers this extremely useful feature. Not even PayPal does this.