Currently all liquidations on loans are final with a lot of loss to users.
The soft liquidations will replace this:
New Parameters
Per collateral -> liquidation threshold (ex 85%)
Liquidator fee (ex 4%)
daofund fee (ex 1%)
This will deprecate the reserve fund and the daofund will be the reserve and will have to manually cancel any bad debt.
New flow.
A liquidator calls the liquidate method for a user with the amount of bnUSD it wants to spend and for which collateral.
If the position is above the liquidation threshold:
sell users collateral to caller for (oracle price - (Liquidator fee +daofund fee)) which in this case would be 95% of oracle price. Until the specified amount is reached or the users liquidation ratio is below liquidation threshold.
If users collateral goes to 0 while debt remains. Add remaining debt to bad debt and close the position.
If debt is less than a minimum Debt threshold allow to liquidate to 0 to avoid dust positions.
All old liquidation logic should be cleaned up and removed.
Reserve should be deprecated.
Currently all liquidations on loans are final with a lot of loss to users.
The soft liquidations will replace this: New Parameters
Per collateral -> liquidation threshold (ex 85%) Liquidator fee (ex 4%) daofund fee (ex 1%)
This will deprecate the reserve fund and the daofund will be the reserve and will have to manually cancel any bad debt.
New flow.
A liquidator calls the liquidate method for a user with the amount of bnUSD it wants to spend and for which collateral.
If the position is above the liquidation threshold:
sell users collateral to caller for (oracle price - (Liquidator fee +daofund fee)) which in this case would be 95% of oracle price. Until the specified amount is reached or the users liquidation ratio is below liquidation threshold.
If users collateral goes to 0 while debt remains. Add remaining debt to bad debt and close the position.
If debt is less than a minimum Debt threshold allow to liquidate to 0 to avoid dust positions.
All old liquidation logic should be cleaned up and removed. Reserve should be deprecated.