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TradingView integration for Balancer trading pairs #7

Open jmusighi opened 3 years ago

jmusighi commented 3 years ago

A project like which displays TradingView charts that show price and volume for trading pairs on Balancer.

Unlike Uniswap, the Balancer protocol contains many liquidity pools that may contain the same token pairs. From a user's perspective (primarily traders), charts would be most useful if they aggregate data from Balancer's liquidity to pools, to display general prices and volumes for the assets being traded on Balancer.

martapiekarska commented 3 years ago

Prize Title

TradingView integration for Balancer trading pairs

Prize Bounty

400 BAL

Challenge Description

Balancer is a protocol for multi-token automated market-making. It enables portfolio owners to create Balancer Pools, and traders to trade against them. Balancer Pools contain two or more tokens, each with an independent weight representing its proportion of the total pool value. The pools provide the Balancer Protocol with liquidity, and charge traders a fee for access to it. Pools can be considered automated market-makers, since anyone can swap any two tokens, in any pool.

From user's perspective, the key information they need is the general prices and volumes for the assets being traded on Balancer. This helps them to make trading decisions and setting up the pools. We very much like what did to display TradingView charts that show price and volume for trading pairs. This challenge is to design a similar interface to aggregate the data from Balancer's liquidity pools and display general prices and volumes for the assets being traded on Balancer.

Submission Requirements

The UI should be consistent with other tools available through Balancer. The exact flow and way to achieve the end goal is open to the contestant's imagination. You are welcome to expand the scope and add more functionality, at minimum we would like to see TradingView charts for Balancer.

The submission should consist of working code (there can be still space for improvement, as long as you have a clear plan of how will you make it into a final product), a demo and some screenshots/wireframes. We are flexible with the state of the end product - a great start with a solid development plan and intention to continue past the hackathon will be evaluated higher than a hacked out kind-of-working-but-not-really-ever-ready-for-deployment one. In Balancer we believe in building the community and staying involved long term, this should be just a start of your participation. A plus, but not a must is some summary of your learning and participation experiences - we aim to grow and improve and any feedback is worth a lot.

Please refer to our documentation and guides for further guidance: All the necessary background can be found here:

Judging Criteria

The submissions will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

  1. Production ready - is this submission something we can include as part of Balancer Tools?
  2. Plan for further development - if the submission is not complete, is there a clear path forward and commitment to finish it post-hackathon? If it is complete - is there a plan for expanding the scope, improving it?
  3. Consistency with other Balancer tools, or a good justification for lack of thereof.
  4. Quality of the code - is it something that others can pick up? Is it documented/commented clearly?
  5. Is the code working?
  6. Is there a working demo?
  7. How confident are you that the team will stay engaged (on this or other projects) in the community?
  8. What insights did development of the project give you?

Winner Announcement Date

[comment]: # Please plan to have judges from your organization (or others you choose) review the submissions as early as possible after the hackathon ends (or immediately upon submission, if you set your submission deadline up to be first-to-submit) to ensure prompt winner announcement and payout.