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brainstorm on Core Pools / LST liquidity dashboard #49

Closed mendesfabio closed 4 months ago

mendesfabio commented 10 months ago


We've talked in Barcelona about a Core Pools dashboard and recently Marketing guys reached out regarding a LST Liquidity dashboard. I'm still not sure about how to approach it because:

mendesfabio commented 10 months ago

Regardless of the outcome here I believe it would be cool to have the Core Pools concept on Dune. We could add the dune-upload to a repository (managed by Maxis?) with a CSV list of pools designated as Core. Also, needs to find a way to classify/identify the liquid staking tokens - maybe that would be a tokens.lst table on Dune.

mendesfabio commented 10 months ago

TIL Maxis have a Core Pools list on GitHub:

could add the dune-upload action to their repository. would be cool to have this historically as well

viniabussafi commented 9 months ago


Core Pools

viniabussafi commented 8 months ago

Currently working on 2 forms of defining LSTs:

Working on this dashboard. Trying to have it done by friday, as coordinated with the marketing team

viniabussafi commented 8 months ago

Core Pools dataset uploaded to dune via Fábio's script

viniabussafi commented 8 months ago

LSTs dashboard is done It is more introductory for now, to fit the timeframe of the marketing team also. My idea is to have a more complex one once we have a complete bpt.prices spell, which will allow us to have a core pools dashboard with metrics such as ROI on bribes

viniabussafi commented 8 months ago

Updated to include missing token-pairs due to limitations on dune side + pools with LSTs paired with wstETH. Will try to have volume metrics in eth, as well as usd

viniabussafi commented 8 months ago

Created a big workaround to properly calculate the TVL in Missing LSTs

viniabussafi commented 7 months ago

Will be complete once we have BPT prices for all pools

viniabussafi commented 4 months ago

Dashboard has been completed for a while and we're reaching completeness when it comes to pricing, so I'll close this issue