Open balandinodidonato opened 6 years ago
Ok, I will most definately be using EMG readings as well if that kind of information can be ported into myo mapper would help out greatly. Fine finger tuning is the goal here.
Wow, that is depressing, just as the workflow started going well... oh whatever, I guess it can't be helped. Thanks for letting us know that they are gone, it certainly is something to consider.
For the questions :
Oh yeah, this is only the beginning for me.
Very pleased with how things are working. They are still a few kinks as reported, but other than that the app is very complete and easy to use. Only thing I would add is a preset save button, as suggested in the topics, and if possible, V3 on Windows, cause right now I can only work at school on the project since I don't personnally own a mac. Being able to patch everything home and then test it at school would be a good improvement in the workflow, but hey, I'm always at school so it's not that much of an issue.
Actually own 2 myo's, gonna buy 2 more as they are pretty cheap on second market (got both of mines for 160$ CAN). That way I'll have another pair if something goes wrong. Then we'll see what happens if all of them break. If we are lucky, another alternative should be release on the market, answering to our worries.
I'm not using the EMG's a lot, but I find it very useful for specific ideas. I'll keep using the Myo. Haven't checked out any other alternatives for the EMG sensors. I also use them with 2 cellphones giving me the data from the gyro and accelerometer, they are my legs 'myo' since the EMG don't work well for the legs and the UI cannot receive data from 4 different Myo's anyway.
None for the moment, except big props and thanks for your work!
It should be mentioned in the case of battery breakdown, I think it may have the potential of replacement given delicate surgery and the proper battery. I made a big move so the documentation is not at hand, but I found a disassembly document and a place for spare batteries. I'm willing to go there if needed.
I believe it's worthwhile. I have a couple performances using the myo for granular synthesis and other concepts like spatial poetry. I plan on hawking second hand ones and collecting batteries until a feasible non-camera based device similar to the Myo resurfaces. I've long been searching for performative peripherals that don't regulate the musician to knobs, this was the first best choice. I'm betting on emg & biosignals being an intensive way to bring physicality & embodiement to sound art. Definitely committed.
On improvements. I just switched from linux and attempting a first run with MyoMapper now. Will have sufficient observations on it in a couple weeks.
Hello, firstly thank you very much for your work and for sharing it!!!
I am really new with Myo/Myo Mapper, I just got a second hand one and I will definitely stick to it as these last two weeks haven been amazing exploring this device. My aim is to perform audiovisuals (nothing new) with it, bringing more magical organic body feeling to digital processing.
If my Myo break down I will go for another one or will try similar EMG device for sure!
I am starting a new thread with a couple of doubts.
Once again thank you so much!
@pushkhy thank you very much!!! yes please post them. I'm planning to do some more development from April. I'll start with releasing the Windows version, and fix bugs.
Hi Thank you so much for your email!! Let me know if any issue!
Best, Balandino.
Dear MyoMapper/ Myo users!!! Just quick survey to bring Myo Mapper further!
As we all know Thalmic and the beloved Myo is gone. I'd like to know what you think about it.