balbuze / volumio-plugins

volumio's plugins from balbuze
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Brutefir and a HifiBerryDAC Plus Volumio2 v2.001 rpi 2/3 #1

Closed Alphascrypt closed 7 years ago

Alphascrypt commented 7 years ago

I cant get an output to an HifibBerry DAC Plus. And i cant activate the advanced settings.

balbuze commented 7 years ago

Have you installed the last version ? Did you select Loopback as output in volumio/playback ? When you say you can't activate advanced setting, you mean that nothing happen when clicking ?

Alphascrypt commented 7 years ago

I followed your instruction. Yes when i hitting the SAVE button nothing happen so i cant save the output device. Ithink thats the problem. I downloaded YOUR latest .zip version

balbuze commented 7 years ago

do you use a dev version of volumio ?

Alphascrypt commented 7 years ago

Nope its the original version for the raspberry pi /Volumio2 v2.001

balbuze commented 7 years ago

ok. I'm doing a install with the file on the repo (I use to use my local). Wait a little....

Alphascrypt commented 7 years ago

Np nice to see a that u will help 👍

balbuze commented 7 years ago

Is your DAC working (before the plugin) with a mixer (Digital) or no mixer or something else ?

Alphascrypt commented 7 years ago

Yes before installing the plugin all works fine. After installing and activating the plugin no output.

balbuze commented 7 years ago

what is the value in output device in the plugin advanced settings ? (if you can see it..) It should the value returned by aplay -l for your DAC (card number)

Alphascrypt commented 7 years ago

My card number is 0 i and i did the output = 0

balbuze commented 7 years ago

huumm. Can paste your aplay -l please ?

Alphascrypt commented 7 years ago

\ List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices ** card 0: ALSA [bcm2835 ALSA], device 0: bcm2835 ALSA [bcm2835 ALSA] Subdevices: 8/8 Subdevice #0: subdevice #0 Subdevice #1: subdevice #1 Subdevice #2: subdevice #2 Subdevice #3: subdevice #3 Subdevice #4: subdevice #4 Subdevice #5: subdevice #5 Subdevice #6: subdevice #6 Subdevice #7: subdevice #7 card 0: ALSA [bcm2835 ALSA], device 1: bcm2835 ALSA [bcm2835 IEC958/HDMI] Subdevices: 1/1 Subdevice #0: subdevice #0 card 1: sndrpihifiberry [snd_rpi_hifiberry_dacplus], device 0: HiFiBerry DAC+ HiFi pcm512x-hifi-0 [] Subdevices: 0/1 Subdevice #0: subdevice #0

balbuze commented 7 years ago

your hifiberry is card 1

balbuze commented 7 years ago

and I can't see Loopback device. Have you reboot after installation ?

Alphascrypt commented 7 years ago

I have done a fresh install bcs i need the amp for people actually. i can made a test tomorrow

balbuze commented 7 years ago

ok. I have to reflash a official version to test. But I think problem comes from output setting. You can check if brutfir is working by typing "systemctl status brutefir" Keep me in touch.

Alphascrypt commented 7 years ago

That i already checked. Brutefir was active

balbuze commented 7 years ago

So in this case I think it just because output was not sent to the right output. But you didn't answers about Loopback ?

Alphascrypt commented 7 years ago

Oh i missed. Loopback was displayed after installing the plugin.

balbuze commented 7 years ago

So I tested with a fresh 2.001 install. It works but you have to select "none" as mixer....Don't forget than bauer binaural and equalizer are disabled...

Alphascrypt commented 7 years ago

And whats with the I2S DAC? Must turned off and choosed Loopback right?

balbuze commented 7 years ago

No your dac must be activated. Once it works as output (play something), change for Loopback and save. Do not desactivate it. In the plugin setting set the right value (aplay -l) in output device and save. If you want to test a filter, enter anothertest2.wav in left and right filter and save. You can do it while playing. The available filters can be seen in /INTERNAL/brutefirfilters on your network. Bad quality but just to help testing.

Alphascrypt commented 7 years ago

Good evening, so it wont work. Did u have installed the display touch plugin before?

balbuze commented 7 years ago

hello no... display touch We can recheck different point if you want...

Alphascrypt commented 7 years ago

When i want to select output device Loopback it automaticly jumps back to Hifiberry DAC Plus so i cant change it

balbuze commented 7 years ago

I saw this... Unfortunatly the problem does not come from the plugin. You can try to disable I2C dac select jack save reboot and select I2C again and save....

marcelek commented 7 years ago

I've still this problem. Pi3 + Hifiberry DAC Plus + volumio v2.129 in normal mode (no-dev)

  1. fresh install + lastest plugin (7.04.2017) + reboot
  2. can't save loopback. Every time I've selected it, goes back to Hifiberry.
  3. If I turn off I2C, Hifiberry is gone from plugin settings and mixer goes to none.

Any ideas?

Alphascrypt commented 7 years ago

Ein Problem welches nerven kosten kann.

Man hat sich einen DAC/DAC+ gekauft alles soweit eingerichtet und stellt fest das die Audio Ausgabe nicht richtig stabil läuft.

Als erstes schaut man natürlich wieder in die Wiedergabe option und stellt fest das der Audio output wieder auf Audio Jack steht und nicht auf dem DAC.

Das Problem ist der Kernel. Abhilfe ist ganz einfach:

Wir öffnen einfach /etc/modules

sudo nano /etc/modules

sudo nano /etc/modules und fügen einfach diesen Treiber ein

snd_bcm2835 danach speichern und neustarten.

Fertig! Die Audio Ausgabe bleibt nun stabil auf dem Ausgewählten DAC/DAC+ stehen.


A problem which can cost nerves.

You have a DAC / DAC + bought everything so far and established that the audio output does not run properly.

First, of course, you look back at the playback option and make sure the audio output is back on Audio Jack and not on the DAC.

The problem is the kernel.

Remedy is quite simple:

We simply open / etc / modules

Sudo nano / etc / modules

Sudo nano / etc / modules And simply insert this driver

Snd_bcm2835 Then save and restart.

Finished! The audio output will remain stable on the selected DAC / DAC +.

balbuze commented 7 years ago

Sorry but I can't understand you... Write in English please.

marcelek commented 7 years ago

Thanx Alphascrypt, but this is not my case. :)

balbuze commented 7 years ago

the problem comes from the way volumio manages i2s dac. Michelangelo knows about that and maybe a fix will arrive. By waiting, I have a workaround that requires to modify a file in volumio: in /volumio/app/plugins/audio_interface/alsa_controller/index.js , you have to comment 2 lines near number 520 (by adding //)
// this.config.set('outputdevicename', data.i2sid.label);       //   OutputDeviceNumber = I2SNumber; save and restart volumio : killall volumio now you setting is kept. let me know

marcelek commented 7 years ago

Nothing's change. Commenting this lines is not a solution.

In addition:

balbuze commented 7 years ago

commenting line is a solution to be able to use i2s dac and Loopback as output. As this point, you can't control the volume because volumio does not allow to use a mixer different from the output device. With alsamixer if you select the good device, you should be able to set the volume. If brutefir is running you can set a filter to check if the sound come from it. Just enter anothertest.wav for left and right filter. Even without filter, you can change attenuation and save. The sound stop and restart with a level different.

marcelek commented 7 years ago

If I can set volume by alsamixer, I should be able to set it with amixer from code. Do you know, where (in with file) volumio sets volume/send command thru amixer? I can hardcode my device_number ('2') until volumio fix the code.

BTW Do you think it is good idea to fix the volumio/brutefir code to set loopback/brutefix parameters automatic from previews settings? All information are in there, so installing plugin should be transparent for user.

balbuze commented 7 years ago

I agree with you that plugin install should set to Loopback by default. I'll see later... For the mixer, it's not easy, but I would try to modify line 825 (may change between version) in /volumio/app/plugins/audio_interface/alsa_controller/index.js var array = execSync('amixer -c '+device+' scontents', { encoding: 'utf8' }) by var array = execSync('amixer -c2+scontents', { encoding: 'utf8' }) but not tested !!!

balbuze commented 7 years ago

and same thing line 764 I tested and now I can select the mixer of my dac eben with Loopback as output... But when changing volume, UI not updated...

balbuze commented 7 years ago

no sure it is the good way.. it seems to not send volume setting let me know if you try this

marcelek commented 7 years ago

I’m looking near +120 /volumio/app/volumecontrol.js but I’m not JS master.

testing in progress… ;)