balbuze / volumio-plugins

volumio's plugins from balbuze
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Resampling from streaming #287

Open gueghe opened 3 years ago

gueghe commented 3 years ago

Is it possible to resample (to 44.1 or 96 kHz) songs coming from streaming (320Kbps 16bit Spotify) and then process them with DSP for Volumio on Raspberry Pi3 and I2s DAC? Resampling works but once the DSP Volumio plugin is installed the music stop playing, so I wonder -before continuing to try- if it is a contemplated possibility.

balbuze commented 3 years ago

How do you resample Spotify? I suggest you to not doing it but you can set an higher sample rate in DSP Only if filters used match with sample rate set. Btw, I don't see the interest of that...

gueghe commented 3 years ago

Many thanks for the answer I go resampling the streaming inside Volumio just with the aim of matching it with admitted filters sampling rates and correct the speakers response. Could it work if properly configured? Any other possible way to filter inside Volumio the streaming coming from Spotify at 320Kbps 16bit?

ashthespy commented 3 years ago

The daemon uses ALSA, so you could just do your resampling via a plug device..

gueghe commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the tip, I need to learn how to implement it. Please give me a reference to start from or a discussion group. Thanks in advance

balbuze commented 3 years ago

I see several ways... 1 - use the plugin DSP, even with no filter 2 - use the plugin volgrp (Volumio general resampling) 3 - wait for the next Volumio with the new alsa layout... 4 - ...