balbuze / volumio-plugins

volumio's plugins from balbuze
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Spotify Connect frequently loses connection #298

Open Solitaris opened 3 years ago

Solitaris commented 3 years ago

Hey! I've a problem with this plugin and can't find a solution. I've installed Volumio Spotify Connect2 over the web interface on multiple raspberry pis. I can connect to all of them. So far this works fine.

However on all of them I lose the connection after a couple of minutes, usually after 15-20 min, and have no idea what the problem is. It's not the audio file that's beeing played, at least it shouldn't be, because I'm playing random music and the problem usually happens in the middle of a song. It happens every single time I tried it (installed it about a week ago, and tried to get it running in combination with snapcast since) and not just when I use my account, but also when a friend used it with his account. Also, it's not the combination with snapcast that's the issue, at least it shouldn't be, as the problem is the same on my other raspberries without a snapcast server. The last time I had multiple streams running when this happend and had a ping on a server and my router running to check for drops. I couldn't detect anything that would indicate that my Internet dropped at that moment.

Any idea what the problem might be?

here the logs:

[Vollibrespot] : Loading with Spotify URI [Vollibrespot] : (290035 ms) loaded [Vollibrespot] : Event: Next { track_id: SpotifyId { id: 316361423998076788147506786944575964193, audio_type: Track } } [Vollibrespot] : Event: TrackChanged { old_track_id: SpotifyId { id: 186552451142351726067213451782920346230, audio_type: Track }, track_id: SpotifyId { id: 316361423998076788147506786944575964193, audio_type: Track } } [SpotifyConnect] Mecca (with JID & EARTHGANG) [SpotifyConnect] Pushing metadata info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioGetState [SpotifyConnect] Currently active: volspotconnect2 [SpotifyConnect] Pushing new state :: true info: CoreCommandRouter::servicePushState info: CoreStateMachine::pushState info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: volumiodiscovery , saveDeviceInfo [Vollibrespot] : Unable to load audio item. [Vollibrespot] : SessionError: Connection reset by peer (os error 104) volspotconnect2.service holdoff time over, scheduling restart. Stopping Volspotconnect2 Daemon... Starting Volspotconnect2 Daemon... Started Volspotconnect2 Daemon. vollibrespot v0.2.2 cd96399 2020-10-07 (librespot 08d8bcc 2020-10-07) -- Built On 2020-10-07 Reading Config from "volspotify.toml" [Vollibrespot] : Using Pipe backend with device: /tmp/snapfifo [Vollibrespot] : Failed to register IPv6 receiver: Os { code: 19, kind: Other, message: "No such device" } [Vollibrespot] : Connecting to AP "" [Vollibrespot] : Authenticated as "*****edited****" ! [Vollibrespot] : Country: "DE" [Vollibrespot] : Metadata pipe established [Vollibrespot] : Event: Volume { volume_to_mixer: 65535 } [SpotifyConnect] 100 [SpotifyConnect] Volume: Spotify:100 Volumio: 100 info: CoreStateMachine::pushState info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: volumiodiscovery , saveDeviceInfo

I know, the logs indicate a connection loss... but could it be anything else? Because I can run Spotify Connect for hours on my TV without problems.

If anyone has any idea, that would be highly appreciated. Would be absolutely fantastic if it would work for me.

ashthespy commented 3 years ago

[Vollibrespot] : SessionError: Connection reset by peer (os error 104)

Unfortunately it looks like Spotify's servers didn't like this connection and decided to reset the TCP socket. Not much that can be done..

Solitaris commented 3 years ago

Thank you! That's unfortunate indeed. It's weird that no one else seems to have this issue. But at least I can stop checking my Internet connection now.

ashthespy commented 3 years ago

It's normally a temporary issue while Spotify fixes their servers (1-2 days?) - it also doesn't help that we use an older legacy API..

luismarcilio commented 3 years ago

Unfortunately it's broken here also. I have similar logs. I'd like to add a symptom: First it disconnects from the phone. The app on my iphone doesn't show as connected to spotify connect anymore, then after a while, spotify sends the connection reset.

Unfortunately this happens only on volumio. "Official" spotify connect apps don't show this behavior. It's a pity.

jokesterfr commented 3 years ago

What about ? Anyone tried it?

balbuze commented 3 years ago

This is based on librepsot. The plugin is based on a custom version of librepsot. You have zero config with the plugin, metadata in UI... IMHO, no real interest using this other version on a device running volumio

jokesterfr commented 3 years ago

Ok, sorry it took time for me to understand the difference between the spotify module and the spotify connect module (which is the one I was looking for). I tested out spocon without great success, I agree this is not a good option.

User1000001 commented 2 years ago

I have the same problem. Pretty annoying. On bad days it happens every few minutes.

Alethiometrist commented 2 years ago

I have had this same issue since I started playing with Spotify connect via Volumio over a year ago. I get kicked off randomly but often cannot play a whole album before it happens. It is very frustrating since this is the main way I use Volumio. I get the same log entries shown above. It has never been a temporary problem for me and happens at some point every time I use the Spotify connect plugin and has persisted across all Volumio versions I have installed in the past year. is there anything I can do? Thanks