balderdashy / sails-hook-email

Sails email hook
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Recommended way to use nodemailer-dkim plug-in #24

Open kpturner opened 8 years ago

kpturner commented 8 years ago


I use sails-hook-email successfully but I am getting some SPAM issues (especially with Hotmail) and want to make use of the nodemailer-dkim plugin. However, I am struggling to find the best way to do this.

I need to be able to tell the transporter to use the plug-in signer like so

transporter.use('stream', require('nodemailer-dkim').signer({
  domainName: '',
  keySelector: 'test',
  privateKey: fs.readFileSync('private.pem')

but I don't get access transport object that sails-hook-email creates internally

dapriett commented 8 years ago

@kpturner - You can just create your own transporter object and pass it directly in using the transporter configuration option.

// config/email.js

var nodemailer = require('nodemailer');

// create reusable transporter object using SMTP transport
var transporter = nodemailer.createTransport({
    service: 'Gmail',
    auth: {
        user: '',
        pass: 'userpass'

transporter.use('stream', require('nodemailer-dkim').signer({
  domainName: '',
  keySelector: 'test',
  privateKey: fs.readFileSync('private.pem')
})); = {
    transporter: transporter
kpturner commented 8 years ago

Perfect - thanks

kpturner commented 8 years ago

Actually I spoke too soon. That isn't quite what I need because, unless I am wrong, that involves me knowing that I need to use DKIM when Sails lifts. In my case, I want sails-hook-email to initialise as it normally would. Later on, at runtime as the email is sent, I need to make a programmatic decision whether or not to use DKIM based on some DB config. So I need to be able to influence the transporter after it has been initialised and I need to be able to switch DKIM on/off for each email.

kpturner commented 8 years ago

For my simplistic brain I simply added a method to sails-hook-email:

 * Transporter.
 * @return {Object}

transporter: function () {
  return transport;

then when I came to send the email:'stream', require('nodemailer-dkim').signer({
  domainName: '',
  keySelector: 'test',
  privateKey: fs.readFileSync('private.pem')

Is there any chance of including the extra method in the plug-in - or is there a better solution?

outOFFspace commented 8 years ago

apply this commit, pls.