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Can't describe Postgres 12+ database: column r.consrc does not exists. #6957

Open rodrigo-web-developer opened 4 years ago

rodrigo-web-developer commented 4 years ago

Node version: 9.7.0 Sails version: 0.11.4 DB adapter & version: sails-postgresql@0.11.4 Postgres version: 12

Error: column r.consrc does not exists.

In lib/adapter.js of sails-postgresql module, the function describe() execute a query that breaks in postgres 12+ because the column consrc of pg_constraint no longer exists, so the "schema" property of connection object will never be populated.

I had read the latest version of sails-postgresql and the same query is applied (but the file is: helpers/describe.js).

What can I do to run postgres 12 with sails?

sailsbot commented 4 years ago

@RodrigoRodriguesX10 Thanks for posting! We'll take a look as soon as possible.

In the mean time, there are a few ways you can help speed things along:

Please remember: never post in a public forum if you believe you've found a genuine security vulnerability. Instead, disclose it responsibly.

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rodrigo-web-developer commented 4 years ago

The columns pg_constraint.consrc and pg_attrdef.adsrc have become deprecated on Postgres 12, it's no longer used. I can just ignore them to run the application.

I solved by overwriting adapter.js file, adding a attribute "isVersion12OrNewer" to config/connections, this parameter will be used to ignore the deprecated fields.

connections.js file:

module.exports.connections = {
    postgres: {
        adapter: 'sails-postgresql',
        host: 'localhost',
        user: 'user',
        password: 'password',
        database: 'my_database',
        isVersion12OrNewer: true // here the new parameter

Update the adapter.js file ("describe" function in line 154) by adding 2 lines of code:

describe: function (connectionName, table, cb) {
      spawnConnection(connectionName, function __DESCRIBE__(client, cb) {

        var connectionObject = connections[connectionName];
        var collection = connectionObject.collections[table];
        var tableName = table;
        var schemaName = getSchema(connectionName, table);
        /*Added 2 lines*/
        var is12OrNewer = connectionObject.config.isVersion12OrNewer; // look for parameter
        var compatible = function (s) { return is12OrNewer ? "" : s; }; // ignore the field if v12+

        // Build query to get a bunch of info from the information_schema
        // It's not super important to understand it only that it returns the following fields:
        // [Table, #, Column, Type, Null, Constraint, C, consrc, F Key, Default]

        /* Ignore columns consrc and Default if the postgres version is 12+ */
        var query = "SELECT x.nspname || '.' || x.relname as \"Table\", x.attnum as \"#\", x.attname as \"Column\", x.\"Type\"," +
          " case x.attnotnull when true then 'NOT NULL' else '' end as \"NULL\", r.conname as \"Constraint\", r.contype as \"C\", " +
          compatible("r.consrc,") + " fn.nspname || '.' || f.relname as \"F Key\"" + compatible(", d.adsrc as \"Default\"") + "FROM(" +
          "SELECT c.oid, a.attrelid, a.attnum, n.nspname, c.relname, a.attname, pg_catalog.format_type(a.atttypid, a.atttypmod) as \"Type\", " +
          "a.attnotnull FROM pg_catalog.pg_attribute a, pg_namespace n, pg_class c WHERE a.attnum > 0 AND NOT a.attisdropped AND a.attrelid = c.oid " +
          "and c.relkind not in ('S','v') and c.relnamespace = n.oid and n.nspname not in ('pg_catalog','pg_toast','information_schema')) x " +
          compatible("left join pg_attrdef d on d.adrelid = x.attrelid and d.adnum = x.attnum ") +
          "left join pg_constraint r on r.conrelid = x.oid and r.conkey[1] = x.attnum " +
          "left join pg_class f on r.confrelid = f.oid " +
          "left join pg_namespace fn on f.relnamespace = fn.oid " +
          "where x.relname = '" + tableName + "' and x.nspname = '" + schemaName + "' order by 1,2;";

... the rest of the function ...

Works for me, but I had to overwrite the module's file.

steinathan commented 4 years ago

@RodrigoRodriguesX10 great, maybe you can send a pull request. 👍👍👍

whichking commented 4 years ago

Hey, @RodrigoRodriguesX10—

Thanks for looking into this! I did a quick test using a new app (latest versions of Sails, Sails PostgreSQL, and PostgreSQL), and I wasn't able to reproduce this error, so I don't think this is an issue when using the most recent version of Sails with PostgreSQL 12+. If you'd be willing to share a minimal repo reproducing this behavior in your version of Sails and Sails PostgreSQL, we'd be happy to look deeper into this issue!

leooxx commented 3 years ago

Hello, i'm using sails v0.12 and sails-postgresql v0.11.4 on an existing project. This is the last version available for sails 0.12

The solution from @RodrigoRodriguesX10 is working. Is it possible to push this update... v0.11.5 ?

Else, how i can override adapter.js properly in my Sails application ?

Thank you all ;)

eashaw commented 3 years ago

Hi @leooxx, we don't have any plans on updating old versions of sails-postgresql. @RodrigoRodriguesX10 what version did you end up using in production?

leooxx commented 3 years ago

Ok, thanks for the reply. Using postgresql 11 will be my best solution...

rodrigo-web-developer commented 3 years ago

I overwrote the code in adapter.js and using Postgres 12 in production, true be told, there are many publishes for different clients (some using postgres 12 and some using postgres 11), I'm using:

Sails version: 0.11.4 sails-postgresql@0.11.4 (with adapter.js modified)

just adding "isVersion12OrNewer": true solved my problems, but is not a good idea to use modified module's file. We trying to upgrade to Sails v1 as soon as possible.

eashaw commented 3 years ago

@RodrigoRodriguesX10 Glad you're looking into upgrading to Sails v1. We don't recommend changing your node_modules files directly since they're easily overwritten.

leooxx commented 1 year ago

Hi everydone ! Postgresql 11 final release is November 9, 2023 !

To use postgresql 12 and the next versions, you can find a fork of module with the fix here :