balderdashy / sails

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Custom neo4j adapter #6996

Open quanndh opened 4 years ago

quanndh commented 4 years ago

Follow the docs, I generate a custom adapter by sails generate adapter adapterName Then I pull a custom sails-neo4j adapter on github (

It said

`The adapter used by the "default" datastore is not compatible with the current version of Sails/Waterline.

The adapter should expose a valid "adapterApiVersion".

If you're using Sails ≥1.0, try: npm install sails-neo4j@latest --save`

Send help please Node version: 10.x Sails version (sails): 1.x ORM hook version (sails-hook-orm): 2.1.1 Sockets hook version (sails-hook-sockets): 2.0.0 Organics hook version (sails-hook-organics): Grunt hook version (sails-hook-grunt): 4.0.0 Uploads hook version (sails-hook-uploads): DB adapter & version (e.g. sails-mysql@5.55.5): Skipper adapter & version (e.g. skipper-s3@5.55.5):

sailsbot commented 4 years ago

@quannguyennn Thanks for posting! We'll take a look as soon as possible.

In the mean time, there are a few ways you can help speed things along:

Please remember: never post in a public forum if you believe you've found a genuine security vulnerability. Instead, disclose it responsibly.

For help with questions about Sails, click here.

quanndh commented 4 years ago

The adapter package.json { "name": "sails-neo4j", "version": "0.3.0", "description": "Neo4j adapter for Sails.js", "main": "lib/adapter.js", "scripts": { "test": "mocha --reporter spec" }, "sails": { "adapter": { "sailsVersion": "^1.0.0", "implements": [ "semantic", "queryable" ] } }, "repository": { "type": "git", "url": "" }, "keywords": [ "orm", "waterline", "sails", "sailsjs", "sails.js", "neo4j", "graph", "database" ], "author": "Kiran Pasavedala", "license": "MIT", "readmeFilename": "", "dependencies": { "async": "0.1.22", "lodash": "^2.4.1", "neo4j-driver": "^1.2.0", "q": "~0.9.7" }, "devDependencies": { "mocha": "~1.15.1" } }

johnabrams7 commented 4 years ago

@quannguyennn Thanks for bringing this to our attention. Since neo4j is a 3rd party adapter, we’re not sure how complete it is. Have you tried comparing this adapter with what’s in the custom adapter docs to get a better idea of what state it’s in?