I found it manually while looking over sails-mongo and sails-mysql. The fact that the method's name is join() while accessing it outside the adapter is populate() is counter intuitive. At least there should be docs for this.
@particlebanana @dmarcelino @devinivy What do you say?
Porting from balderdashy/waterline#1131 ,
I was wondering how adapters can override populate() in my adapter while going through balderdashy/waterline#1052
There seems to be No documentation on how to do this either here-> https://github.com/balderdashy/sails-docs/blob/0.9/adapter-specification.md Which seems to be the major place for documentation of adapters.
I found it manually while looking over sails-mongo and sails-mysql. The fact that the method's name is join() while accessing it outside the adapter is populate() is counter intuitive. At least there should be docs for this.
@particlebanana @dmarcelino @devinivy What do you say?