baldurbjarnason / this-is-not-a-book

An old-fashioned hypertext about writing
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more copyedit up to adventure #10

Closed astearns closed 8 years ago

astearns commented 8 years ago

Also, has a fragment "Hypertext is" that I expect is supposed to have more to the sentence.

baldurbjarnason commented 8 years ago

Ah, good catch.

DVDs are VHS are cinema in a portable format. Hypertext is

Now that’s interesting. Hypertext is different.

Turns out that that bit is in the initial commit to Penflip (where this project was before we moved it to Github for the website) which means it comes from Tom's draft of that section. Probably a mess made when exporting from Ulysses. Pretty sure that it's not a case of missing text but of spurious text.

At least, I'm changing it to

It is with writing and reading. Every great leap forward has been built on what we understand, what we see around us. The CD Rom failed because it wasn’t different enough. DVDs are VHS are cinema in a portable format. Hypertext is different. Not so new as we think (Borges, Bush, Nelson all predate your authors by a few dozen years), but still a radical step.