balena-io-experimental / balena-sound

Build a single or multi-room streamer for an existing audio device using a Raspberry Pi! Supports Bluetooth, Airplay and Spotify Connect
MIT License
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Changing default web port or using Docker network_mode bridge with port forwarding? #461

Closed Philip-A closed 3 years ago

Philip-A commented 3 years ago

Hello, I need your support for proper docker compose config, please. I am trying to merge multiple apps to run them on one device with balenaOS. Currently these are balena-sound and balena-pihole. I started with this article:

My goal is, that balena-sound does not use host port 80. How can I achieve that?

Question 1: Which service is using port 80? Following log message lets me think that sound-supervisor is currently using port 80 (on host).

03.06.21 10:02:44 (+0200) sound-supervisor Sound supervisor listening on port 80

Question 2: How can I make this service use another host port? Your checked-in docker-compose.yml uses following definition:

    build: ./core/sound-supervisor
    network_mode: host
      - 80:80
      io.balena.features.balena-api: '1'
      io.balena.features.supervisor-api: 1

I am new to Docker, but in my opinion network_mode: host means that the definition ports: - 80:80 is ignored, because the hosts network interface is used directly without any isolation.

Therefore changing the port forwarding to ports: - 8080:80 did not the trick for me (in combination with network_mode: host). sound-supervisor is still using port 80.

Next, I tried to remove network_mode: host with the goal that the container uses bridged network mode. But unfortunately, the service does not start in this mode. At least it looks like that for me, because of log messages like:

03.06.21 12:45:33 (+0200) audio Waiting for sound supervisor to start

But I don’t get any log message from sound-supervisor itself, so I don’t know why the container is not coming up, yet.

Then I searched the documentation for config parameters to change the web port sound-supervisor is binding its web server or disable it completely, but I did not find any.

I am surprised that nobody else seamed have this problem yet. Did I miss something obvious? I appreciate your help.

eiddor commented 3 years ago


That's an interesting guide - some of the services in both projects have changed, however, which might explain why it's not working. I may attempt this if I get some time next week, but let me try to answer some questions to see if I can get you a bit further.

I am new to Docker, but in my opinion network_mode: host means that the definition ports: - 80:80 is ignored, because the hosts network interface is used directly without any isolation.

This is correct.

03.06.21 10:02:44 (+0200) sound-supervisor Sound supervisor listening on port 80

This is a brand new change introduced with #453, so yeah you are on the right track by changing the host port since it would definitely conflict with pihole.

The - 80:80 added for that change didn't do anything though because as you've discovered, that container is running in host mode. The problem we're going to have here is that the pihole service is also running in host mode.

You can read this mega-thread where I kind of discover some of these things and it may give you some ideas:

I end up narrowing it down to a timing issue because I had spanning-tree running on my switch, but there are some pretty neat findings in there if you're the network type at all.

There appear to be a number of other ports that sound-supervisor is actually listening on, however. If I stop all services and compare the listening TCP/UDP ports before starting sound-supervisor this is what I get:

Before starting the sound-supervisor container:

root@balena:~# lsof -iTCP -sTCP:LISTEN
systemd    1   root   53u  IPv6  17021      0t0  TCP *:22222 (LISTEN)
dnsmasq 1501 nobody    5u  IPv4  20815      0t0  TCP balena:domain (LISTEN)
dnsmasq 1501 nobody    7u  IPv4  20817      0t0  TCP balena:domain (LISTEN)
node    3152   root   25u  IPv6  29714      0t0  TCP *:48484 (LISTEN)
root@balena:~# lsof -iUDP -P -n | egrep -v '(127|::1)'
chronyd    1403   root    5u  IPv4  20594      0t0  UDP *:1234 
chronyd    1403   root    6u  IPv6  20595      0t0  UDP *:1234 
NetworkMa  1492   root   23u  IPv4  25413      0t0  UDP> 
dnsmasq    1501 nobody    4u  IPv4  20814      0t0  UDP 
avahi-dae 26920  avahi   11u  IPv4 234858      0t0  UDP *:5353 
avahi-dae 26920  avahi   12u  IPv6 234859      0t0  UDP *:5353 
avahi-dae 26920  avahi   13u  IPv4 234860      0t0  UDP *:59008 
avahi-dae 26920  avahi   14u  IPv6 234861      0t0  UDP *:59252 

After starting the sound-supervisor container:

root@balena:~# lsof -iTCP -sTCP:LISTEN
systemd     1   root   53u  IPv6  17021      0t0  TCP *:22222 (LISTEN)
dnsmasq  1501 nobody    5u  IPv4  20815      0t0  TCP balena:domain (LISTEN)
dnsmasq  1501 nobody    7u  IPv4  20817      0t0  TCP balena:domain (LISTEN)
node     3152   root   25u  IPv6  29714      0t0  TCP *:48484 (LISTEN)
node    31752   root   20u  IPv6 276413      0t0  TCP *:http (LISTEN)
node    31752   root   21u  IPv4 276432      0t0  TCP *:8000 (LISTEN)
root@balena:~# lsof -iUDP -P -n | egrep -v '(127|::1)'
chronyd    1403   root    5u  IPv4  20594      0t0  UDP *:1234 
chronyd    1403   root    6u  IPv6  20595      0t0  UDP *:1234 
NetworkMa  1492   root   23u  IPv4  25413      0t0  UDP> 
dnsmasq    1501 nobody    4u  IPv4  20814      0t0  UDP 
avahi-dae 26920  avahi   11u  IPv4 234858      0t0  UDP *:5353 
avahi-dae 26920  avahi   12u  IPv6 234859      0t0  UDP *:5353 
avahi-dae 26920  avahi   13u  IPv4 234860      0t0  UDP *:59008 
avahi-dae 26920  avahi   14u  IPv6 234861      0t0  UDP *:59252 
node      31752   root   22u  IPv4 276415      0t0  UDP *:12345 
node      31752   root   23u  IPv4 276433      0t0  UDP *:12345 

So, at a bare minimum you need to forward to TCP 8000 and 80, and UDP 12345. The only port conflict that I can see with the pihole project is 80, so you are on the right track. Now, in theory none of those ports actually need to be reachable from outside of the balena network, but I'm not 100% sure about that.

All of that said, changing from host to bridge mode should not prevent sound-supervisor from starting. I tried to test that here, but I can't get a successful push right now (Issue #462).

Once the device is loaded, what do you see in the logs when you manually try to start the service?

Philip-A commented 3 years ago

Hello @eiddor, thank you for your quick response. I am not sure, what I did wrong last time, but today the container starts with bridged network mode -- just as you said.

I added the three port forwardings you mentioned, but unfortunately some container communication is failing. Several containers are waiting for supervisor to start, but supervisor is not able to get a connection to audio block.

At least the balenaSound UI is reachable at the expected port 8080.

Here are snippets of my compose file and a selection of log statements. I think that should be reproducable.

    build: ./balena-sound/core/audio
    privileged: true
      io.balena.features.dbus: 1
      io.balena.features.supervisor-api: 1
      - 4317:4317
    build: ./balena-sound/core/sound-supervisor
    #network_mode: host
      - "8080:80/tcp"
      - "8000:8000/tcp"
      - "12345:12345/udp"
      io.balena.features.balena-api: 1
      io.balena.features.supervisor-api: 1
05.06.21 14:55:15 (+0200) Starting service 'audio sha256:c5374aa6a370c5dd53749748d8922fe1e9729174a81376e3854dbb350908d5af'
05.06.21 14:55:17 (+0200) <audio> --- Audio ---
05.06.21 14:55:17 (+0200) <audio> Starting audio service with settings:
05.06.21 14:55:17 (+0200) <audio> - pulseaudio 13.0
05.06.21 14:55:17 (+0200) <audio> - Pulse log level: NOTICE
05.06.21 14:55:17 (+0200) <audio> - Default output: AUTO
05.06.21 14:55:17 (+0200) <audio> Detected audio cards:
05.06.21 14:55:17 (+0200) <audio> 0 bcm2835-jack bcm2835_headphonbcm2835Headphones-bcm2835Headphones
05.06.21 14:55:32 (+0200) <audio> Waiting for sound supervisor to start
05.06.21 14:55:39 (+0200) Started service 'sound-supervisor sha256:14150a3797b915d654c9ceaf06bd7bce8d464b1b5be9066eb80a9dcb7c937c8e'
05.06.21 14:55:40 (+0200) <sound-supervisor> > sound-supervisor@1.0.0 start /usr/src
05.06.21 14:55:40 (+0200) <sound-supervisor> > node build/index.js
05.06.21 14:55:40 (+0200) <sound-supervisor>
05.06.21 14:55:41 (+0200) <sound-supervisor> Sound supervisor listening on port 80
05.06.21 14:55:41 (+0200) <sound-supervisor> Error connecting to audio block - Retry failed: connect ECONNREFUSED
05.06.21 14:55:42 (+0200) <audio> Waiting for sound supervisor to start
05.06.21 14:55:42 (+0200) <sound-supervisor> Error connecting to audio block - Retry failed: connect ECONNREFUSED
05.06.21 14:55:44 (+0200) <sound-supervisor> Error connecting to audio block - Retry failed: connect ECONNREFUSED
05.06.21 15:05:41 (+0200) <sound-supervisor> (node:35) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error: Timeout after 600000ms
05.06.21 15:05:41 (+0200) <sound-supervisor>     at Timeout._onTimeout (/usr/src/node_modules/ts-retry-promise/dist/timeout.js:10:20)
05.06.21 15:05:41 (+0200) <sound-supervisor>     at listOnTimeout (internal/timers.js:554:17)
05.06.21 15:05:41 (+0200) <sound-supervisor>     at processTimers (internal/timers.js:497:7)
05.06.21 15:05:41 (+0200) <sound-supervisor> (node:35) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled promise rejection. This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). To terminate the node process on unhandled promise rejection, use the CLI flag `--unhandled-rejections=strict` (see (rejection id: 1)
05.06.21 15:05:41 (+0200) <sound-supervisor> (node:35) [DEP0018] DeprecationWarning: Unhandled promise rejections are deprecated. In the future, promise rejections that are not handled will terminate the Node.js process with a non-zero exit code.

The hosts local IP is in range. I assume to be the IP of the supervisor container (docker network).

I don't know how to tell the supervisor, where it should look for the audio block. Obviously the IP of the supervisor itself is wrong. It should be either the host IP or the audio container's IP

eiddor commented 3 years ago

@Philip-A Yeah, I finally got a successful push and I'm seeing the same messages - I'm not even forwarding the ports.

don't know how to tell the supervisor, where it should look for the audio block. Obviously the IP of the supervisor itself is wrong. It should be either the host IP or the audio container's IP

So, with "traditional" Docker containers on the same bridged network can reach each other simply by service name, so you never have to worry about the container IP (since it can change easily). I'm not 100% sure if this works differently with balenaSound.

Actually, I suspect that it does - I just noticed that by default the sound-supervisor container connects to host_ip:4317 which of course will forward to the audio container in host mode. When we put sound-supervisor into bridge mode, it will try to connect to itself and things won't work.

Let me keep digging (I'm not a coder, so I'm learning on the fly).

eiddor commented 3 years ago

So, yeah... I figured it out and I'm kind of proud of myself considering I have no idea what I'm doing in Python, but I think I found the "offending" code.

in core/sound-supervisor/src/index.ts line 9:


const audioBlock: BalenaAudio = new BalenaAudio(`tcp:${config.device.ip}:4317`)


const audioBlock: BalenaAudio = new BalenaAudio(`tcp:audio:4317`)

This will force the audio block connection to the audio container by service name instead of by local container ip (which changes when we change network modes).

I just tested with sound-supervisor in bridge mode and ports forwarded, and everything seems to work.

Again, I'm no coder and I fully admit to not knowing exactly how this architecture is supposed to work, but I am usually quite wary of running any Docker container in host mode if I can help it.

I'll leave it to @tmigone and others to see if this something worth making permanent. I don't see a downside to it, but I don't know the original intent.

Philip-A commented 3 years ago

Hi, I thought that I had found two solutions. But non of both worked. So I am happy that you have another idea, which I will try.

1) I found the same line in the code as you did and tried to tell the supervisor to use another IP to look for the audio block by hard-coding my hosts IP there.

And I was very happy to see the log line:

05.06.21 16:08:06 (+0200) Connected to PulseAudio at

But suprisingly (at least for me) I still got many messages like the first and other error messages:

05.06.21 16:16:57 (+0200) Waiting for audioblock to start... 05.06.21 16:08:11 (+0200) Joining the fleet, requesting master info with fleet-sync... 05.06.21 16:20:30 (+0200) Malformed packet!

So my change had consequences I was not aware of. I rolled back. Now, I read you had success with that solution, so I should try again.

2) Second finding should solve my original goal to use other than port 80, too. (spoiler: it did not) I have seen an undocumented environment variable in the code that can be used to change the default web port:

This should allow me to keep using network_mode: host and define a custom port on the host to provide UI and API. But I still got the message "Waiting for sound supervisor to start...", because the shell scripts that check the availablilty do expect standard port 80 :-(

eiddor commented 3 years ago

But suprisingly (at least for me) I still got many messages like the first and other error messages:

Ahh, yeah - that makes sense. There's really no reason to send that traffic outside of the balena/Docker network, since you may have issues with return traffic not getting back into sound-supervisor

Second finding should solve my original goal to use other than port 80, too. (spoiler: it did not) I have seen an undocumented environment variable in the code that can be used to change the default web port:

You should not have to do this - sound-supervisor can still listen on port 80, and we use the -8080:80 line in docker-compose.yml to avoid the conflict on the host. This is the "right" way to do it with Docker in general.

Philip-A commented 3 years ago

No, I do not get a running setup with your suggestion of using const audioBlock: BalenaAudio = new BalenaAudio('tcp:audio:4317')

The log messages are similiar to a state I have documented above (four hours ago):

05.06.21 19:37:10 (+0200)  multiroom-server  Waiting for sound supervisor to start
05.06.21 19:37:12 (+0200) Started service 'sound-supervisor sha256:8980f16efbb534b0e4e2bda828cf25e5d4cef0d8569d1f6220f6687225e3bd3e'
05.06.21 19:37:13 (+0200)  multiroom-client  Waiting for sound supervisor to start
05.06.21 19:37:13 (+0200)  airplay  Waiting for audioblock to start...
05.06.21 19:37:13 (+0200)  sound-supervisor  
05.06.21 19:37:13 (+0200)  sound-supervisor  > sound-supervisor@1.0.0 start /usr/src
05.06.21 19:37:13 (+0200)  sound-supervisor  > node build/index.js
05.06.21 19:37:13 (+0200)  sound-supervisor  
05.06.21 19:37:15 (+0200)  sound-supervisor  Sound supervisor listening on port 80
05.06.21 19:37:15 (+0200)  sound-supervisor  Error connecting to audio block - Retry failed: connect ECONNREFUSED
05.06.21 19:37:15 (+0200)  multiroom-server  Waiting for sound supervisor to start
05.06.21 19:37:16 (+0200)  sound-supervisor  Error connecting to audio block - Retry failed: connect ECONNREFUSED
eiddor commented 3 years ago

Can you confirm that is the ip of your audio container? You can connect to it via the balena console and just type ip addr.

Are you working with your custom docker-compose.yml file, or are you starting fresh until we can get things to start properly?

Philip-A commented 3 years ago

Yes, is one IP if my audio container. And I used my custom docker-compose.yml

bash-5.0# ip addr
1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN qlen 1000
    link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
    inet scope host lo
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
152: eth0@if153: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP,M-DOWN> mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue state UP 
    link/ether 02:42:ac:11:00:05 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
    inet brd scope global eth0
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
154: eth1@if155: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP,M-DOWN> mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue state UP 
    link/ether 02:42:0a:72:68:02 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
    inet brd scope global eth1
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever

Today I removed all pihole services from the compose file and checked that the remaining content is analogous to the original compose file, except the sound-supervisor service (and the code change const audioBlock: BalenaAudio = new BalenaAudio('tcp:audio:4317')):

    build: ./balena-sound/core/sound-supervisor
    #network_mode: host
      - 80:80
      - 8000:8000
      - 12345:12345
      io.balena.features.balena-api: '1'
      io.balena.features.supervisor-api: 1

This is pretty much the same setup as yesterday, but today the multiroom services having trouble to connect to the audio services. Don't ask me why... Maybe I should not have purged data.

06.06.21 18:18:24 (+0200)  multiroom-server  2021-06-06 16-18-24.670 [Notice] (init) Settings file: "/var/cache/snapcast/server.json"
06.06.21 18:18:24 (+0200)  multiroom-server  2021-06-06 16-18-24.671 [Error] (Avahi) Failed to create client: Daemon not running
06.06.21 18:18:24 (+0200)  multiroom-server  ALSA lib pulse.c:242:(pulse_connect) PulseAudio: Unable to connect: Connection refused
06.06.21 18:18:24 (+0200)  multiroom-server  
06.06.21 18:18:24 (+0200)  multiroom-server  2021-06-06 16-18-24.691 [Notice] (Server) Server::start: Can't open device 'pulse', error: Connection refused
06.06.21 18:18:24 (+0200)  multiroom-server  2021-06-06 16-18-24.692 [Error] (main) Exception: Can't open device 'pulse', error: Connection refused
06.06.21 18:18:24 (+0200)  multiroom-server  2021-06-06 16-18-24.692 [Notice] (main) Snapserver terminated.

06.06.21 18:20:47 (+0200)  multiroom-client  2021-06-06 16-20-47.883 [Error] (Controller) Error: Connection refused
06.06.21 18:20:47 (+0200)  multiroom-client  2021-06-06 16-20-47.883 [Error] (Connection) Error in socket shutdown: Transport endpoint is not connected
06.06.21 18:20:48 (+0200)  multiroom-client  2021-06-06 16-20-48.884 [Error] (Connection) Failed to connect to host '', error: Connection refused

What did you do, that your setup was working in brdiged mode? Did you add this three port forwardings, too?

eiddor commented 3 years ago

What did you do, that your setup was working in brdiged mode? Did you add this three port forwardings, too?

Honestly all I did was start with a fresh copy of the repo, made that line change, and then commented out network_mode: host

I did add the port forwards, but they weren't necessary for at least this part of testing.

    build: ./core/sound-supervisor
#    network_mode: host
      - 80:80
      - 8000:8000
      - 12345:12345
      io.balena.features.balena-api: '1'
      io.balena.features.supervisor-api: 1

This is pretty much the same setup as yesterday, but today the multiroom services having trouble to connect to the audio services. Don't ask me why... Maybe I should not have purged data.

Oh, I have multiroom disabled - let me enable that and see what happens.

eiddor commented 3 years ago

I'm getting the same messages (repeating like crazy):

06.06.21 11:37:16 (-0500)  multiroom-client  2021-06-06 16-37-16.071 [Error] (Connection) Failed to connect to host '', error: Connection refused
06.06.21 11:37:16 (-0500)  multiroom-client  2021-06-06 16-37-16.071 [Error] (Controller) Error: Connection refused
06.06.21 11:37:16 (-0500)  multiroom-client  2021-06-06 16-37-16.071 [Error] (Connection) Error in socket shutdown: Transport endpoint is not connected

Let me keep digging.

I did notice that the multiroom Dockerfiles are using the same convention that we used for sound-supervisor:

ENV PULSE_SERVER=tcp:audio:4317

eiddor commented 3 years ago

So, I just tested with a fresh copy of the repo with no changes, and I still get those multiroom-client messages. We might be chasing something unrelated.

Purge data fixed that.

Trying again with the "patch" and disabling host-mode.

eiddor commented 3 years ago

Ok, so after purging data and downloading/pushing a fresh repo with only the "patch" and host mode disabled, everything seems to be load fine the first time, but I'm getting the same messages again after rebooting.

In theory, a change to sound-supervisor shouldn't trigger an error between audio and multiroom-client, but as I said earlier, I'm not 100% familiar with how the architecture is supposed to work.

It's documented here, and I will try to take a look at it this week:

tmigone commented 3 years ago

Hey guys @Philip-A @eiddor! Catching up with this thread.

First, I'd like to say pretty much all of the stuff you guys tried was spot on and were super close of getting it to work (both with sound-supervisor in host and bridge mode). The problem really lies in the complexity of balenaSound, so let me elaborate a bit.

Theoretically you should be able to use both host and bridge modes for any service. I generally dislike using host mode since the whole idea of docker is to isolate stuff. So the services you see in balenaSound running with network_mode: host are doing that because I found no alternative, some need to access hardware stuff that's 100x easier to do with host mode (bluetooth), some rely on third party binaries (airplay, spotify) where I had little control over the code, and some make life easier (sound-supervisor).

Focusing on sound-supervisor, first you are completely right with:

  - 80:80

Since the container is in host mode that's not doing anything, that's definitely an oversight on my part, I'll remove those lines to avoid further confusion (

The reason sound-supervisor uses host mode is because it needs to know the actual device IP address for multiroom, the sound supervisor basically needs to tell other devices what its IP address is for them to connect. At the moment I developed this I couldn't find a way of doing this reliably with the container in bridged mode. We could also get the IP address by asking balena-supervisor but that would mean we now need to wait for it to start and we want to start as fast as possible so it's not an option. That leaves us with host mode as the only option (I've picked up some new tricks and with recent balenaOS changes it might be possible to do with bridged, but that's for another day lol. Also, I'm open to suggestions if you have!).

Question 2: How can I make this service use another host port? Now going back to your original question... For the reasons stated above, not using network_mode: host is a no-go unless we undergo major surgery. Quickest way to use another port is to modify the constants file as you found out (pro tip, you can set the environment variable SOUND_SUPERVISOR_PORT instead of changing the code too) BUT you also need to update all instances where this port was hardcoded.

As you noted @Philip-A this includes the audio block start script but also the start scripts for the multiroom services. You can check the PR that made that change to see where you need to go back to: For example, SOUND_SUPERVISOR="$(ip route | awk '/default / { print $3 }')" in the audio service should be SOUND_SUPERVISOR="$(ip route | awk '/default / { print $3 }'):3000" assuming you want to use port 3000.

So to recap... you need to use another port either by changing the constants.ts file or by setting SOUND_SUPERVISOR_PORT, and you need to edit scripts for audio, multiroom-client and multiroom-server services. That should do the trick as I don't think there is any other port overlap with the PiHole project.

Philip-A commented 3 years ago

Hi @tmigone, thank you for your advice. Even with you help it took me some time to solve it, but I think now all the obvious thinks work. I have created a pull request, because I think my changes are potentially an improvment of the code basis that is interesting for others as well.

So please check my changes and merge if you want. Thank you both for all the help and discussion. I very much appreciate your support.

eiddor commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the explanation, @tmigone - Very good info!!

That leaves us with host mode as the only option (I've picked up some new tricks and with recent balenaOS changes it might be possible to do with bridged, but that's for another day lol. Also, I'm open to suggestions if you have!).

Can we just declare SOUND_MULTIROOM_MASTER as mandatory for this purpose (assuming it's the same thing)? I know we try to make things as easy as possible for users, but this one doesn't seem like it would be a heavy lift and would free us to use bridge mode for the container.

Philip-A commented 3 years ago

I think no further work will be done here. A solution for my request has been found.