Remove the list of key words that archive a conversation.
Change-type: patch
Connects-to: #606
Signed-off-by: Andrew Lucas
Contributor checklist
[x] Build output been rebuilt and tested
[ ] Introduces security considerations
[ ] Tests are included
[ ] Documentation is added or changed
[ ] Affects the development, build or deployment processes of the component
Reviewer Guidelines
When submitting a review, please pick:
'Approve' if this change would be acceptable in the codebase (even if there are minor or cosmetic tweaks that could be improved).
'Request Changes' if this change would not be acceptable in our codebase (e.g. bugs, changes that will make development harder in future, security/performance issues, etc).
'Comment' if you don't feel you have enough information to decide either way (e.g. if you have major questions, or you don't understand the context of the change sufficiently to fully review yourself, but want to make a comment)
Remove the list of key words that archive a conversation.
Change-type: patch Connects-to: #606 Signed-off-by: Andrew Lucas
Contributor checklist
Reviewer Guidelines
'Comment' if you don't feel you have enough information to decide either way (e.g. if you have major questions, or you don't understand the context of the change sufficiently to fully review yourself, but want to make a comment)