balena-io / etcher

Flash OS images to SD cards & USB drives, safely and easily.
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Failure to flash from balena dashboard #3778

Closed AndreiGr closed 2 years ago

AndreiGr commented 2 years ago
mcraa commented 2 years ago

the flash from the dashboard works with versions 1.7.8 and later

AndreiGr commented 2 years ago

Ok, good to know. Do you have any idea when a newer pre-made installer will be made for Windows?

Because from what I see, the latest I can download is 1.5.115

mcraa commented 2 years ago

Where do you see 1.5 as latest? here you have the real latest from the Releases in github. (or download button points to the same file.

AndreiGr commented 2 years ago

On the main page: image

mcraa commented 2 years ago

Well, that is weird, thanks for pointing it out.

AndreiGr commented 2 years ago

No worries. Thanks for helping me with the Releases link. I tried to find it myself, but what I found redirected me to the main page, haha. Have a great day!

lurch commented 2 years ago

The Etcher website sometimes points to an old version if you have JavaScript turned off? (which has happened in several issues here previously)

EDIT: When I do view->source on the Etcher webpage, I see e.g. <a href="" class="sc-eGCaLh bJumPh sc-ctaXho nhJDG Link__ExternalLink-sc-b3cke1-0 jipiSO Downloads__StyledLink-sc-aivfe9-1 hTrRgP" color="primary.main" rel="noopener" target="_blank"><button class="StyledButton-sc-323bzc-0 bJOxnS sc-bqyKOL sc-kstqJO cDKLTo enfjcB sc-dIUeWJ exIZyH" type="button"><div class="sc-gKseQn jFlOjP sc-iBPTik ktusrF sc-hHfuMS hjJBI"><img src="" style="max-width:initial" class="sc-bXDkGd juWczZ"/><div class="sc-gKseQn jFlOjP sc-iBPTik ktusrF Common__HiddenXS-sc-l5wx7e-20 epjGqa">Download</div></div></button></a>

mcraa commented 2 years ago

Cross-site policy blocked to fetch the right version, and it fallbacks to 1.5 I guess browsers started to handle this more strictly @lurch cause the policy was the same for a long time. The site was redeployed it should show the right version now.

lurch commented 2 years ago

...or some people run things like NoScript

mcraa commented 2 years ago

We can't fix what some people run 😅 , but this time there was something to fix on the site.