baliddeki / Livingstonia-Tours-Travel

This is a repository for the Livingstonia Tours & Travel website
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Customer Registration #16

Open baliddeki opened 1 year ago

baliddeki commented 1 year ago

name: User Story about: This is a template for creating user stories title: 'As a customer, I want to register for an account, so I can access personalized features and services.' labels: user story assignees: ''

As a customer
I need to register for an account
So that I can access personalized features and services.

Details and Assumptions

Acceptance Criteria

Given I am a Customer
When I navigate to the "Register" page
Then I should see input fields for username, email, password, and other required information

Given I am a Customer
When I fill in all the required information and click the "Register" button
Then I should be successfully registered and redirected to the user dashboard

Given I am a Customer
When I provide incomplete or invalid information and click the "Register" button
Then I should see appropriate error messages and stay on the registration page


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