ballercat / walt

:zap: Walt is a JavaScript-like syntax for WebAssembly text format :zap:
MIT License
4.64k stars 122 forks source link

Dead? #187

Closed coder0107git closed 7 months ago

coder0107git commented 7 months ago

It seems that this project hasn't had any activity in a while. Although the last commit was just from last January, there's hardly been any activity since 2019 [1] [2]. It seems all of the small compile to WASM projects have died. I've come across many javascript-like language to webassmbly projects that have died. I was hoping to use this in a small project but am not sure if I should since this seems to be dead. AssemblyScript went dormant until some new developers got on board. Assemblyscript looks nice to use but every time I've used it it feels like I'm battling the tooling. Javy doesn't seem very well documented, my expiraments with it have ended poorly, and it doesn't seem active. Grain has become a faintly javascript tinted functional language, nothing like it's original javascript-friendly syntax. This project seems very nice but seems to have died. Is this project dead?

ballercat commented 7 months ago

It's not "dead" per-se, I think "dormant" is fair though. It's a side-project after all. I've been meaning to go back to it here and there to implement new parts of the WebAssembly spec.

Please note though that I would discourage you from building anything particularly complex with it even if I was actively contributing on the daily basis. I've built this to learn wasm and compilers, which I did, but it's no where near a fully featured language with proper tooling and documentation.

If you are exploring wasm I honestly would recommend using something like Zig instead It's an excellent language and has WebAssembly support.

Good luck!

coder0107git commented 7 months ago

Okay. Thanks for the information!