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Improvements to the Observability documentation #8597

Open Dilhasha opened 8 months ago

Dilhasha commented 8 months ago


A. Suggestions for

  1. The below description can be structured better.


    suggestion: Ballerina achieves full observability by exposing itself to various external systems through three methods: monitoring metrics such as request count and response time statistics, performing distributed tracing, and analyzing logs.

  2. Shall we add a table with what are the external tools we support for tracing, monitoring and logging?

  3. In Step 2 under Observe a Ballerina service, We can mention that Ballerina.toml can be updated if we are using a Ballerina project and in this case, we are using a single bal file, so we need to use the flag.


B. Suggestions for

  1. The following description can be re-organized IMO, do we need to mention about analytics?


  2. Configure advanced metrics - let's mention we need to add it to Config.toml file

  3. Shall we mention that in this example we will use Prometheus for scraping the metrics and Grafana for visualization? Content gives the impression that we only support those.

  4. docker run -p 19090:9090 -v <path_to_prometheus.yml>:/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml prom/prometheus Resulted in an error as follows. source /var/lib/docker/overlay2/436e68d98a7d660cf0e49f44ac50936a44dd2a79e9cd0631a67495ed1e064235/merged/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml is not directory

Modified to the following it worked. docker run -p 19090:9090 -v prometheus.yml:/etc/prometheus/ prom/prometheus

I noticed the same sample in the Prometheus documentation too using the path upto filename. Shall we check whether it's an edge case?

  1. Do we need setting up the Grafana dashboard in this guide? IMO, that part is more suitable for a blog rather than the guide.

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Dilhasha commented 8 months ago


This was due to an issue in the provided path. The path needs to be the isolated path. Even when you have the prometheus.yml in the current directory, it needs to be provided as ./prometheus.yml as follows.

docker run -p 19090:9090 -v ./prometheus.yml:/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml prom/prometheus

The mapping should be from file to file OR directory to directory.

anupama-pathirage commented 5 months ago

@NipunaMadhushan Can we prioritize this to the update 9 related content plan?