ballerina-platform / ballerina-lang

The Ballerina Programming Language
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[Bug]: Issue with running new tests in ballerina-cli #42339

Open RadCod3 opened 6 months ago

RadCod3 commented 6 months ago


As part of the first task of, I added tests for my additions to ballerina-cli However, those tests do not seem to run on the github actions and when I tried running ./gradlew :ballerina-cli:test locally that too doesn't run them. Whats even more interesting is that they do indeed run when I comment out certain tests in the testng.xml file in ballerina-cli.

  1. Adding my tests after the existing ones like below,
    <suite name="commands-test-suite">
    <test name="command-tests" preserve-order="true">
            <class name="io.ballerina.cli.cmd.AddCommandTest" />
            <class name="io.ballerina.cli.cmd.BaseCommandTest" />
            <class name="io.ballerina.cli.cmd.BuildCommandTest" />
            <class name="io.ballerina.cli.cmd.ToolCommandTest"/>
            <class name="io.ballerina.cli.diagnostics.AnnotateDiagnosticsTest" />
            <class name="io.ballerina.cli.diagnostics.DiagnosticAnnotationTest" />
Does not run them
Commenting out `TestCommandTest` in the testng.xml file runs my tests but they fail and so do some other tests.
2. Adding my tests in a serparate test tag doesn't run them either,
: :

Here too when you comment out `TestCommandTest`, it runs the tests I need but they fail.

Sometimes when I repeat `./gradlew clean :ballerina-cli:test --scan` it doesn't run any of the tests as well.

In both of the above scenarios however, running the tests I wrote by specifying them using `./gradlew clean :ballerina-cli:test --scan --tests "io.ballerina.cli.diagnostics.AnnotateDiagnosticsTest"` runs them successfully.

### Steps to Reproduce

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### Affected Version(s)

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### OS, DB, other environment details and versions

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### Related area

-> Other Area

### Related issue(s) (optional)

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### Suggested label(s) (optional)

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### Suggested assignee(s) (optional)

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RadCod3 commented 6 months ago

Found a workaround for this by including the newly added tests before the old tests like so,

<suite name="commands-test-suite">
    <test name="diagnostics-tests" preserve-order="true">
            <package name="io.ballerina.cli.diagnostics"/>
    <test name="command-tests" preserve-order="true">
            <class name="io.ballerina.cli.cmd.AddCommandTest" />
            <class name="io.ballerina.cli.cmd.RunBuildToolsTaskTest"/>

Which runs the tests I added AnnotateDiagnosticsTest and DiagnosticAnnotationTest image