ballerina-platform / ballerina-lang

The Ballerina Programming Language
Apache License 2.0
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[Bug]: Mock Functions are Not Running on Native Tests #42437

Closed ThisaruGuruge closed 1 month ago

ThisaruGuruge commented 1 month ago


When there is a function mock in the test suite, the native build failing due to the following error:

Mock function '<Mock Function Name>' cannot be found

Steps to Reproduce

Check the MongoDB connector graalvm check

Affected Version(s)

No response

OS, DB, other environment details and versions

No response

Related area

-> Test Framework

Related issue(s) (optional)

No response

Suggested label(s) (optional)

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Suggested assignee(s) (optional)

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ThisaruGuruge commented 1 month ago

Closing as this is tracked via

github-actions[bot] commented 1 month ago

This issue is NOT closed with a proper Reason/ label. Make sure to add proper reason label before closing. Please add or leave a comment with the proper reason label now.

      - Reason/EngineeringMistake - The issue occurred due to a mistake made in the past.
      - Reason/Regression - The issue has introduced a regression.
      - Reason/MultipleComponentInteraction - Issue occured due to interactions in multiple components.
      - Reason/Complex - Issue occurred due to complex scenario.
      - Reason/Invalid - Issue is invalid.
      - Reason/Other - None of the above cases.