ballerina-platform / ballerina-lang

The Ballerina Programming Language
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High error rate for HTTPs loadtests with 200 concurrent users #42628

Closed xlight05 closed 2 weeks ago

xlight05 commented 3 weeks ago

Description: $Subject. This works fine for the 60 user case. Applies to both passthrough and transformation usecase we have.

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TharmiganK commented 3 weeks ago

Tried running the existing load tests with 200 concurrent requests using the workflow.

Workflow run: Results:

There were some significant differences between the code used in the https_passthrough load-test and the code used in the h1_h1_passthrough load-test.

  1. The one in the ballerina-performance-cloud uses a h2-h2 approach where as the one in the http module uses h1-h1
  2. The one in the ballerina-performance-cloud uses http:Caller to respond where as the one in the http module just return the http:Response

So I tried by adding two more load-tests: h2_h2_passthrough and h2_transformation but still getting 0% error rate:

Workflow run: Results:

I have tried to reproduce this issue locally using the the code in the https_passthrough and running load-test with 200 concurrent users for 5 minutes. But I could not reproduce the issue.

@xlight05 Can we check on the configurations used to run this load-tests?

xlight05 commented 3 weeks ago

Had an offline chat on this. We were able to get a stand dump when this issue was reproduced.

Strand dump -

TharmiganK commented 3 weeks ago

I was able to reproduce this issue with the help of @xlight05 in a constraint environment. Please find the below steps:

  1. Clone the following repo:
  2. Run bal build
  3. Run docker-compose up
  4. Run the load test using this JMX file:

Please note that this issue is only reproducible when you make multiple requests at a small interval. Strangely, if we make only one request at first and wait for the response then the subsequent requests are passing.

I have checked the following:

  1. With update 9 - Failing
  2. With update 9 and without http changes - Failing
  3. With update 8 and new http changes - Passing

So it seems the issue is coming from lang with update 9 changes. Adding @HindujaB @gabilang to check on this

TharmiganK commented 3 weeks ago

I was able to reduce the reproducer code with this: (no need for docker, just use bal run)

import ballerina/http;

listener http:Listener securedEP = new (9090);

final http:Client nettyEP = check new ("http://localhost:8688");

service /passthrough on securedEP {
    resource function post .(http:Request clientRequest) returns http:Response|error {
        return nettyEP->/'service/;

But in order to reproduce, I have to use 1000 users with 5s ramp-up period. (I checked the similar configuration with update 8 service and it was working without any hanging.)

If I remove the clientRequest from the resource signature then it is working without any hanging issue. So this might be related to the previous memory issue: The difference here is there is no memory increase now but some strands used to populate the default values seems to be in runnable state.

Please note that I have removed SSL here, so not 100% sure that both of these are related. (With SSL also the service is hanging). But I think with SSL, the probability of this issue occurrence is high.

When hanging most of the jbal threads are in monitor state: image

Strand dump: Thread dump:

github-actions[bot] commented 2 weeks ago

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      - Reason/Other - None of the above cases.