ballerina-platform / ballerina-library

The Ballerina Library
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Add example number 5 #2092

Open Bhashinee opened 2 years ago

Bhashinee commented 2 years ago

Description: $subject.

Bhashinee commented 2 years ago

Try to do something like this

Bhashinee commented 2 years ago

Objective Design Ballerina WebSocket module to comply with the Async API specification.


Following is the mapping for the Async API and the Ballerina WebSocket service.

Application Program containing a WebSocket service
Servers Listeners
Channels Upgrade service differentiated from resource paths
OperationId Calling function
Subscribe onOpen function
Publish onMessage
Messages Ballerina data types


Servers will be mapped to the Ballerina WebSocket listeners. Ex: Async API

    url: localhost:80
    protocol: ws
    description: |
      Public server available without authorization.


listener websocket:Listener publicListener = new(80);


Channel is an addressable component made available by the server. Those will be mapped to the resource path of the WebSocket upgrade service. Ex: Async API

      description: Send messages to the API
      operationId: processReceivedMessage
          - $ref: '#/components/messages/ping'
          - $ref: '#/components/messages/subscribe'
          - $ref: '#/components/messages/unsubscribe'

      description: Messages that you receive from the API
      operationId: sendMessage
          - $ref: '#/components/messages/pong'
          - $ref: '#/components/messages/heartbeat'
          - $ref: '#/components/messages/systemStatus'
          - $ref: '#/components/messages/subscriptionStatus'

Ballerina API

service / on publicListener {
   resource function get .() returns websocket:Service|websocket:Error {
       return new WsService();

OperationId A unique string is used to identify the operation. This will be mapped to the calling function upon the request sent by the client.

Ex: Async API

      description: Send messages to the API
      operationId: processReceivedMessage

Ballerina API

service class WsService {

    remote function onMessage(websocket:Caller caller, Ping|Subscribe|Unsubscribe message) returns SubscriptionStatus|websocket:Error? {
        return processReceivedMessage(message, caller);


Subscribe means users subscribe to the given channel to receive events published by the server. In this case, users are not sending anything to the server. Even if they send messages it is not required to read those messages. The client will make only the connection. So only the onOpen function will get triggered. Inside the onOpen function we will call the function generated by the name of operationId given in the Async API.

Async API

      description: Messages that you receive from the API
      operationId: sendMessage
          - $ref: '#/components/messages/pong'
          - $ref: '#/components/messages/heartbeat'
          - $ref: '#/components/messages/systemStatus'
          - $ref: '#/components/messages/subscriptionStatus'

Ballerina API

service class WsService {
    remote function onOpen(websocket:Caller caller) returns websocket:Error? {
        future<()> _ = start sendMessage(caller);


Publish means users will publish messages to the server. When the client sends events to the server, onMessage remote function will get invoked. Once it gets invoked similar to the subscribe operation we will call the function generated by the name of operationId given in the Async API.

Async API

      description: Send messages to the API
      operationId: processReceivedMessage
          - $ref: '#/components/messages/ping'
          - $ref: '#/components/messages/subscribe'
          - $ref: '#/components/messages/unsubscribe'

Ballerina API

service class WsService {
    remote function onMessage(websocket:Caller caller, Subscribe message) returns SubscriptionStatus|error? {
        return processReceivedMessage(message, caller);

Response types are matched with the return types of the remote function.


Messages will be mapped to the Ballerina data types.

Async API

      type: object
          type: string
          const: ping
          $ref: '#/components/schemas/reqid'
        - event
      type: integer
      description: client originated ID reflected in response message.

Ballerina API

public type Ping record {
    string event;
    Reqid reqid?;

public type Reqid int?;
Bhashinee commented 2 years ago

An example of a generated Ballerina service for this Async API.


import ballerina/websocket;
import ballerina/lang.runtime;
import ballerina/random;

listener websocket:Listener localListener = new (80);

const hasSubscription = "hasSubscription";

const connId = "ConnectionId";

service / on localListener {
    resource function get .() returns websocket:Service|websocket:Error {
        return new WsService();

service class WsService {
    remote function onOpen(websocket:Caller caller) returns error? {
        int randomInteger = check random:createIntInRange(1, 100);
        caller.setAttribute(connId, randomInteger);
        future<(error?)> _ = start sendMessage(caller);

    remote function onMessage(websocket:Caller caller, Subscribe|Unsubscribe message) returns SubscriptionStatus|error? {
        return processReceivedMessage(message, caller);

    remote function onPing(websocket:Caller caller, byte[] message) returns byte[] {
        return message;

function sendMessage(websocket:Caller caller) returns error? {
    SystemStatus systemStatus = {
        connectionID: <int>check caller.getAttribute(connId),
        event: "systemStatus",
        'version: "1.0.0",
        status: online
    check caller->writeMessage(systemStatus);
    check sendUpdates(caller);

function sendUpdates(websocket:Caller caller) returns error? {
    Heartbeat hearbeat = {event: "heartbeat"};
    while true {
        check caller->writeMessage(hearbeat);
        if <boolean>check caller.getAttribute(hasSubscription) {
            check caller->writeMessage(getUpdates());
        } else {

function getUpdates() returns string {
    float a1 = random:createDecimal() + 20000;
    float a2 = random:createDecimal();
    float b1 = random:createDecimal() + 20000;
    float b2 = random:createDecimal();
    float c1 = random:createDecimal() + 11;
    float c2 = random:createDecimal() + 2000;
    string usd = string `[340,{\"a\":[\"${a1}\",0,\"${a2}\"],\"b\":[\"${b1}\",11,\"${b2}\"],\"c\":[\"${c1}\",\"${c2}\"],\"v\":[\"${a1}\",\"${a2}\"],\"p\":[\"${b1}\",\"${b2}\"],\"t\":[${c1}],\"l\":[\"${c2}\",\"${a1}\"],\"h\":[\"${a2}\",\"${b1}\"],\"o\":[\"${b2}\",\"${c1}\"]},\"ticker\",\"XBT/USD\"]`;
    return usd;

function processReceivedMessage(Subscribe|Unsubscribe message, websocket:Caller caller) returns SubscriptionStatus|error? {
    string event = <string>message?.event;
    string[] pair = <string[]>message?.pair;
    Subscribe subscrition = <Subscribe>message;
    string? nameVal = subscrition?.subscription?.name;
    Name name = <Name>nameVal;
    if event is "subscribe" {
        SubscriptionStatus subscriptionStatus = {
            channelID: <int>check caller.getAttribute(connId),
            channelName: name,
            'event: "subscriptionStatus",
            pair: pair,
            status: subscribed,
            subscription: {name: name}
        // Without using `writeMessage`, use the return type to match the responses.
        // check caller->writeMessage(subscriptionStatus);
        caller.setAttribute(hasSubscription, true);
        return subscriptionStatus;
    } else {
        SubscriptionStatus subscriptionStatus = {
            channelID: <int>check caller.getAttribute(connId),
            channelName: name,
            'event: "subscriptionStatus",
            pair: pair,
            status: unsubscribed,
            subscription: {name: name}
        // check caller->writeMessage(subscriptionStatus);
        caller.setAttribute(hasSubscription, false);
        return subscriptionStatus;


public type Heartbeat record {
    string event?;

public type Unsubscribe record {
    Subscribe subscribe;

public type Subscribe record {
    record  { Depth depth?; Ratecounter ratecounter?; Name name; Interval interval?; Snapshot snapshot?; Token token?;}  subscription?;
    string event;
    Pair pair?;
    Reqid reqid?;

public type Ping record {
    string event;
    Reqid reqid?;

public type Ratecounter boolean?;

public type Pong record {
    string event?;
    Reqid reqid?;

public type Pair string[]?;

public type Token string?;

public type Reqid int?;

public type Depth int?;

public type SystemStatus record {
    # The ID of the connection
    int connectionID?;
    string event?;
    string 'version?;
    Status status?;

public type SubscriptionStatus record {
    int channelID;
    string channelName;
    string event;
    Reqid reqid?;
    Pair pair?;
    Status status?;
    Subscription subscription?;

public type Subscription record {
    Depth depth?;
    Interval interval?;
    MaxRateCount maxratecount?;
    Name name;
    Token token?;

public type MaxRateCount int?;

public enum Name {

public type Interval int?;

public type Snapshot boolean?;

public enum Status {
Bhashinee commented 2 years ago

This is a code generated from NodeJs WebSocket for the same Async API.


const util = require('util');
const { Router } = require('express');
const { pathParser } = require('../lib/path');
const { yellow } = require('../lib/colors');
const { sendMessage, processReceivedMessage } = require('./services/root');
const router = Router();
module.exports = router;'', async (ws, req) => {
  const path = pathParser(req.path);
  console.log(`${yellow(path)} client connected.`);
  await sendMessage(ws);
  ws.on('message', async (msg) => {
    console.log(`${yellow(path)} message was received:`);
    console.log(util.inspect(msg, { depth: null, colors: true }));
    await processReceivedMessage(ws, { message: msg, path, query: req.query });


const service = module.exports = {};

 * @param {object} ws WebSocket connection.
service.sendMessage = async (ws) => {
  ws.send('Message from the server: Implement here your business logic that sends messages to a client after it connects.');
 * @param {object} ws WebSocket connection.
 * @param {object} options
 * @param {string} options.path The path in which the message was received.
 * @param {object} options.query The query parameters used when connecting to the server.
 * @param {object} options.message The received message.
 * @param {string} options.message.payload.event
 * @param {integer} options.message.payload.reqid - client originated ID reflected in response message.
service.processReceivedMessage = async (ws, { message, path, query }) => {
  ws.send('Message from the server: Implement here your business logic that reacts on messages sent from a client.');
Bhashinee commented 2 years ago

@shafreenAnfar Could you please review this?

Bhashinee commented 2 years ago

Problems with the code

When generating the Async API from the ballerina code, if someone doing only the publish operation has included onOpen remote function, Async API will get generated as it has subscription also.

Updates on currency received by the client are not matching to any of the data types given by the Async API. Ex: this is the payload that is sent by the server. [340,{"a":["45520.10000",6,"6.78103490"],"b":["45520.00000",0,"0.00185230"],"c":["45520.10000","0.01643250"],"v":["1397.95434819","5589.12101024"],"p":["44883.49461","44062.07654"],"t":[14350,66782],"l":["43607.60000","42770.80000"],"h":["45811.10000","45811.10000"],"o":["43659.30000","44709.10000"]},"ticker","XBT/EUR"]

There is no matching data type for this in the Async API subscribe section.