ballerina-platform / ballerina-library

The Ballerina Library
Apache License 2.0
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Add support to handle copybook with multiple root records. #6895

Closed MohamedSabthar closed 2 months ago

MohamedSabthar commented 2 months ago

Description: The current implementation of the copybook module only converts a copybook file bound to a particular record. When multiple root copybook records are found in the given copybook schema, a targetRecordName is required for each operation, and an error is thrown if the targetRecordName is not provided. There is a requirement to perform all operations without a targetRecordName. In this case, the input and output data for all operations will consider the entire copybook schema, including all root records.

For example for the following schema

      15 MI-HDR-VERSION                          PIC X(04).
      15 MI-HDR-MSGID                            PIC X(35).
      15 MI-HDR-LOGGINGID                        PIC X(35).
      15 MI-HDR-VERSION-2                          PIC X(04).
      15 MI-HDR-MSGID-2                            PIC X(35).
      15 MI-HDR-LOGGINGID-2                        PIC X(35).

and for the following inputData v1.0100 7890V100 v2.1200 7890V100 the fromCopybook(inputData) call should generate the following json output

      "MI-HDR-VERSION": "v1.0",
      "MI-HDR-MSGID": "100",
      "MI-HDR-LOGGINGID": "7890V100"
      "MI-HDR-VERSION-2": "v2.1",
      "MI-HDR-MSGID-2": "200",
      "MI-HDR-LOGGINGID-2": "7890V100"

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