ballerina-platform / ballerina-spec

Ballerina Language and Platform Specifications
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Support for well-known datatypes like date/time #1098

Open jclark opened 2 years ago

jclark commented 2 years ago

Ballerina currently does not handle data types like date/time well. These data types have a conventional string syntax, but they also have a higher-level semantic that can be represented by a Ballerina value that is not just a string. For example, date-time has a conventional string syntax (e.g. RFC 3339/ISO 8601). But the semantics of date-time would be better represented by numbers e.g. (number of units of time from some epoch for a timestamp, or triple of year/month/day integers for date). In Ballerina currently, we have to choose between two alternatives, neither of which are completely satisfactory:

For data-types built into Ballerina (e.g. decimal and xml) we do not have this problem. We have the right semantics and we have the string syntax. It should be possible to do this for other data types also. For example, it should be possible to have for example a Timestamp data type that:

  1. belongs to anydata
  2. gets converted to/from a string in RFC 3339 format by toJson/fromJsonWithType (similar to the xml type)
  3. is immutable and has no storage identity (like decimal or string)
  4. is semantically a Timestamp not a string
    1. it is not == to any string/list/mapping
    2. any Timestamp value is guaranteed to be a valid timestamp
    3. supports operations (ideally using method call syntax) at the semantic level of a timestamp
  5. can have an implementation representation as a number or pair of numbers

There are quite a number of other common data types that are like this.

None of these are specific to a particular program: they all fit into the concept of anydata.

JSON schema handles this by allowing an assertion that a string has a specific format. (In theory, JSON schema allows this for values other than strings, but all the formats it defines are for strings.) Protocol Buffers have the concept of a well-known type.

One solution to this would be to have the language include a separate basic type for each of these. But that wouldn't be a great solution: it should be possible to evolve these data types independently of the language specification. Also it should not be necessary to include these in the language. We can define each of the data types in terms of concepts we already have

The goal then is to devise a language feature that we can use to add a data type that works very similarly to a built-in data type, without needing to add something to the language specification for each such data type. If one of these data types was a basic type, then it would

So, for example, if data:Timestamp referred to a timestamp type, then

type LogEntry record {|
   string message;
   data:Timestamp timestamp;

json j = { message: "An error occurred", timestamp: "2022-05-14T11:20-07:00" };
LogEntry entry = check j.fromJsonWithType();
json j2 = entry.toJson();
jclark commented 2 years ago

YAML has the concept of scalar nodes, which are defined as "an opaque datum that can be presented as a series of zero or more Unicode characters". Scalar nodes (like other kinds of node) can have a tag. "Scalar tags must also provide a mechanism for converting formatted content to a canonical form for supporting equality testing."

jclark commented 2 years ago

The concept for the language feature is to introduce a new basic type, called string-formatted data, or sdata, for representing data that is conventionally represented in a specialized string format. The sdata basic type is readonly, and is included in anydata but not json. Like the simple data types and string, sdata values do not have storage identity.

The sdata basic type is divided into named subtypes, one for each string format. The semantics of each named subtype is defined in terms of an underlying value type, which is a subtype of anydata, together with conversion operations between that underlying type and its string format. For example, a timestamp data type might be defined with a value type of [int, decimal] (with the same semantics as time:Utc), with conversion operations that convert to RFC 3339 string format (a subset of ISO 8601).

A program constructs a literal value of type sdata by using the subtype name followed by the string representation in backticks.

The language specification defines

Definitions can be provided either by

There is no mechanism for definitions to be provided from outside the platform. The platform will only define subtypes that are widely interoperable. This preserves the program-independent aspect of anydata.

jclark commented 2 years ago

The definition provides the following information:

jclark commented 2 years ago

sdata values support the following operations:

jclark commented 2 years ago

There is a langlib module lang.sdata that is the langlib module for this new sdata basic type, which provides the following:

User programs would not typically need to import the lang.sdata module (just as they do not need to import the lang.value type).

When method call syntax is used for an sdata value, the function is searched for in order in the following modules (this is similar to what happens for existing basic types):

  1. the module for the type
  2. the lang.sdata module
  3. the lang.value module
jclark commented 2 years ago

The standard library provides a ballerina/data module. The data prefix is predeclared to refer to ballerina/data. For every named subtype with type name T (both platform-defined and language-defined), the ballerina/data module provides a public definition of a type T that refers to the named type. Thus a program can refer to any sdata named type using a qualified identifier of the form data:T, without needing any import.

The module for a standard library defined type with tag t is ballerina/data.t. This is a normal Ballerina module. The only difference is that another module can use method call syntax to make calls to functions in this module without having imported it (as with langlib modules). Each of these modules defines a standard set of types and primitive functions:

It then also provides type-specific functions that can be implemented in terms of these primitive functions; each of these will usually take data:T as its first argument so that it can be called using method call syntax.

The mechanism that the ballerina/data and ballerina/data.t modules use to provide these definitions in ballerina/data depends on the internal mechanism the platform uses to define the named subtypes.

jclark commented 2 years ago

Currently we have two kinds of equality:

There are two differences between equality and exact equality:

  1. for structures (where the basic type is mutable), equality uses the current state of the structure (what the structure contains), whereas exact equality uses the storage identity of the structure
  2. for some simple values, === makes finer distinctions than ==
    1. for float +0 and -0 are == but not ===
    2. for decimal, === considers precision whereas == just considers the mathematical values

When the unpacked representation of an sdata value contains a decimal (which it probably will for types involving time), then === for the sdata value needs to consider the precision (because values that are === should be indistinguishable) but not the storage identity. This means we need another kind of equality, which

  1. for structures, is like == in that it considers what the structure contains not its storage identity
  2. for simple values, is like ===

Let's call this precise equality. Then

jclark commented 1 year ago

Most of this has been done as part of adding #1132. We are calling these things tagged data type.

Compared to what was described earlier, we haven't yet needed to expose the value data structure.