ballerina-platform / lsp4intellij

This language client library provides language server protocol support for IntelliJ IDEA and other Jetbrains IDEs.
Apache License 2.0
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Are there any open source plugins that use this library? #261

Open itviewer opened 2 years ago

itviewer commented 2 years ago

I want to learn how to use this library, are there any sample Intellij plugins(still being maintained)?

nixel2007 commented 2 years ago

Hi there! 1C:Enterprise (BSL) language plugin uses lsp4intellij:

it's not actively maintained now cause most of resources was transfered to develop BSL Language Server itself, but feel free to ask any questions (I'm the lead of all 1c-syntax projects)

vicky17d commented 2 years ago

Is it just a library or is there a corresponding plugin as well that I can install in IntelliJ IDEA? Similar to

nixel2007 commented 2 years ago

This library was founded as hard fork of lsp-support plugin (

vicky17d commented 2 years ago

Yes I did see that. That plugin does not work currently and is not maintained. If I don't have my own plugin to bundle this library in, how do I use it? With intellij-lsp, I could simply install it in my plugins.

nixel2007 commented 2 years ago

You should develop your own plugin with preload task. See example in Readme

patricknelson commented 2 years ago

I'm in the same boat as @vicky17d. Basically, instead of building language server support into the IDE themselves, they point to this plugin with the comment:

it seems to be actively maintained so it'll probably deliver a better experience

So essentially I'm looking for some way to simply enable LSP support so that I can support a language I'm interested in by pointing the LSP client to this language's LSP server. But right now based on my admitted limited understanding, it appears that you'd have to build your own custom plugin in order to leverage this particular library (which makes sense given what it was built for).

So, that said: I'd be 100% interested in an actual plugin for IntelliJ IDEs that filled the gap that LSP Support did, i.e.: Add LSP support with the ability for the user to easily customize which LSP servers they'd like to use. That is... until JetBrains decides to actually do this themselves like VSCode and Eclipse.

robclancy commented 2 years ago

You can see what they were doing here:

This is the state right before they deleted the plugin, I guess maintaining this was a lot of work since Intellij doesn't just support it for some stupid reason (even though apparently their new IDE will).

I had planned to try to get LSP working until I saw this issue, then went digging to find what happened. Dunno if I will attempt it now.