balloosnafoo / no-kicker

Capstone project proposal for final two weeks of the App Academy curriculum.
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Starting Slots #6

Open chf2 opened 9 years ago

chf2 commented 9 years ago

I would consider potentially not tying starting slots to weeks. I think it might get really challenging to keep track of weekly lineups. You would need some concept of a global week variable that would get updated regularly. It's also unlikely someone will demo the application over a long enough period for it to be relevant to their experience. If you want to get fancy, we can figure out how to schedule tasks to update whether a starting slot is editable based on time of week (so can't edit them on Sunday or something like that).

Lastly, as a bonus, consider using JQuery UI to make the slots draggable! I noticed there wasn't a wireframe for this -- I think it's going to be pretty complex so I would think about how that view will be structured.