Open besasch88 opened 4 years ago
You can use update query to increment attribute value: (To decrement value, Simply supply negative value)
// for HashPrimaryKey based Table
Table.primaryKey.update(hashKey, { attr: ["ADD", 1] }); // equivalent to "ADD attr 1"
// for FullPrimaryKey based Table
Table.primaryKey.update(hashKey, rangeKey, { attr: ["ADD", 1] }); // equivalent to "ADD attr 1"
FYI, All of maintainers of dynamo-types left Vingle, Inc. (which is owner of this repository.) Unfortunately, We couldn't get permissions from Company - We lost all permissions about this repository (including access credentials for accessing NPM).
So, We've forked this repo to serverless-seoul/dynamorm.
We won't make any further updates on this repository. Please leave an issue to forked repository if you have further questions. Thanks.
cc/ @breath103
Hi! Thanks for the library! I've a question: Is it possible to update an item stored in the dynamoDB table incrementing a value without read it, update the value and finally write again.
Using the aws-sdk you can do something like it:
dynamoDB.updateItem({ TableName: "Users", Key: { "UserId": { S: "c6af9ac6-7b61" } }, ExpressionAttributeValues: { ":inc": {N: "1"} }, UpdateExpression: "ADD loginCount :inc" })