balmli / no.almli.thermostat

Virtual thermostat and humidity app for Athom Homey
GNU General Public License v3.0
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vthermo turning itself off several times a day #38

Closed thomasekdahlN closed 4 years ago

thomasekdahlN commented 4 years ago

I'm controlling the temperature in my floor (water heating) in entire house with actuators and sensors connected to Vthermo.

Vthermo worked great when I first set it up in desember 2019, but something has stopped working along the way. I suspect that the 4.1 update killed my vthermo?

Symptoms: All my instances of vthermo is turning itself off multiple times a day. And I have to check this manually at regular intervals to turn my heat on again. I'm getting a bit bored of this now and the house is always in a cold state since heating is turned off so often.

This is critical functionality for me, and if I cant solve this I have to throw Homey away and get another system.

Any logs I can find to see what turns vthermo off (I have made a feature request to Homey since the logging is so minimal that I'm not able to find out what actually turns off vthermo - I'm not sure it is vthermo itself, could be Homey, bugs making it stop, a flow, google assistant, tibber or a human beeing. I'm not able to find this out and it is a major weakness of Homey.

Is this a bug or a feature? How to solve it?

Bjørn - ser ut som du er norsk, så vi kan gjerne ringes eller ta et videomøte.

balmli commented 4 years ago

Hi Thomas,

What version of the app do you have? Have you tried to reinstall the VThermo - devices ?

Yes, I'm norsk. Kan kontaktes på Athom Homey Norge - facebook / Facebook. No problem :-)

thomasekdahlN commented 4 years ago

I have version 1.1.20 (its automatically updated)

I have not tried to reinstall Vthermo devices, since that is a lot of work I have many of them;-) Is it necessary?

Any secret logs I can find on what happens? Could it be the Vthermo device craching after an amount of time, it looks perfectly normal when I enable it after it was turned off.

Side note: If reinstalling things helps and it stops working due to updates, I think I will turn off automatic updating. Can't have the house stop working at random times;-(

balmli commented 4 years ago

No, it shouldn't be necessary to reinstall.

thomasekdahlN commented 4 years ago

Any logs or debug info that I can retrieve for you?

thomasekdahlN commented 4 years ago

My Fibaro Wall Plugg has two options under setting for "Alltid på/Always on". This prevents Homey and other Apps from turning the unit off. Is it possible to implement this setting in Vthermo? It would solve my problem, even tough the Homey logging sucks.

Homeys logs are lacking so much needed info - that it is impossible to do any reasonable debugging.

IMG_8733 IMG_8734 IMG_8735

thomasekdahlN commented 4 years ago

Here is a id to a log from the vthermo App: 03f05787-419a-46c6-99d7-00e3374f06db

thomasekdahlN commented 4 years ago

Screen dump of on/off behaviour

IMG_8744 3

thomasekdahlN commented 4 years ago

I'm giving up on Homey now. The Homey ecosystem is too immature for me. Will find a more mature smarthouse system with working logs that tells me what actually triggers turning my units on and off.

balmli commented 4 years ago

Always on... is not supported by the VThermo..

So if the VThermo tries to control a Wall plug with "always on" it will fail.

thomasekdahlN commented 4 years ago

The wish was that Vthermo supported always on;-)

The wallplug was just an example of the functionality I miss in Vthermo (since Vthermo turns off all the time)

balmli commented 4 years ago

I'm on Facebook / Messenger if you want to chat.

The Vthermo should not turn on / off like that.. It is controlled by the temperature in the zone..

But, as I said, it does not work if the device is "always on".. But that's not VThermo's fault.

thomasekdahlN commented 4 years ago

Its only my freeezer that is always on. because the first thing Homey did was to shut it off at night;-( The vthermo runs the Heatit Z-water relays (two pairs) and the relays works perfectly when run manually from the unit interface.

I'll send you a friend request on FB.

balmli commented 4 years ago

The VThermo can be switched off by other apps, e.g. Tibber integration, Google Home integration etc.

To avoid this, I will add a setting to disable switching the VThermo off.

Wait for v. 1.1.21 in app store.