17434: BaltCoGo - Register Buttons Bleed Together at XS Breakpoint
Modified the buttons to be responsive like the other pages in dotgov.
A responsive media class was added to add 100% width to buttons at small screen sizes. This can be removed and added to the components library if needed but I didnt know how this would effect the library and I believe the way BaltCo was designed is what is causing this discrepancy in button widths since we are not using grid but instead using flex.
17434: BaltCoGo - Register Buttons Bleed Together at XS Breakpoint
Modified the buttons to be responsive like the other pages in dotgov.
A responsive media class was added to add 100% width to buttons at small screen sizes. This can be removed and added to the components library if needed but I didnt know how this would effect the library and I believe the way BaltCo was designed is what is causing this discrepancy in button widths since we are not using grid but instead using flex.