balupton / meta

Meta: Issues, tasks, ideas, etc that I have, or you have for me. Kind of like a public email.
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3 stars 1 forks source link

Taglines & Bios #8

Open balupton opened 9 years ago

balupton commented 9 years ago



Student and Web Developer. Easy going fella, and always up for meeting new people and having a great time.


My calling is to empower us all to do what we love, share it with the entire world, and live well! Let us muse, create, and inspire together!


Always testing what I know and don't know. Deliberately living #moneyless #homeless and #vegan to discover where on the line sustainable becomes unsustainable.


Radical explorer of the known and unknown. Founded @BevryMe, made @DocPad, hosts @WWGBTV. Hitchhiked Australia.

The safe space of free speech; Australia!


If you’ve used @nodejs you’ve probably installed something of mine. If you’ve had a thought, you’ve probably disagreed with me. Let’s learn and build together.

Australian 🇦🇺🗺🌏🏃🏕

Sometime in 2018

Liberty focused Software Engineer, Algorithmic Trader, YouTuber. Aspiring uberman. Previously: Open-Source, JavaScript, @DocPad, @HistoryJS, @StartupHostel.

Australian living between Kuala Lumpur and Bali

balupton commented 9 years ago


Until November 2014


Up for anything, night of dancing, skinny dipping, loving, random play, whatever is fun. I am a rather confident and a easy going guy. I try to be the clown of the group, as I love seeing peoples faces light up. I am a realist, so I think logically and won't hide what I think. I go for the smart, fun (a bit crazy), and cute girl (usually european looks). I try to go out as much as possible, be it dancing in a club, sharing a drink at a pub, catching a movie, or just having mates over.

Until March 2015

Religious Views

Including; Existentialist, Pantheist, New Thought, Evolutionist, Critical Thought, Vegan. I feel the existence of only one god, and the non-existence of any god can not be proven (impossible due to the problem of induction). As such, I feel the decision of religion is one of subjective choice in relation to personal values, rather than an objective one in relation to evidence. Which to me perfectly explains why their can even be many one-true-god religions in the first place. This makes me agnostic. I'm an advocate of critical thinking, and will take scientific proof as fact always. As such, I am an evolutionist and believe a literal interpretation of the garden of eden and most of the bible to be factually incorrect. Personally, I align with pantheism which states that god and the universe are exactly the same (not separate forces or entities, but identical). As such, I feel that all religions (including atheism) are all worshipping the same god, with just different values and personal needs providing different interpretations of the same god. I also enjoy New Thought teachings (there are many), and personally align with the following: - Ourselves, the universe (including everything else in it), as well as god, are all one, the same, and connected - The divinity of god refers to the collective consciousness (also called oneness) of this combined entity. - Our perception of self and separation from everything else, is merely an intellect construct of a particular state of mind (that of course can be changed like any state) - That I can use this knowledge, and gain more knowledge, to be able to utilise these forces to mould the universe (or rather myself) accordingly for the universes (my own) wishes Other than that, I've also come to the following beliefs: - That any "sacred text" should be taken metaphorically and with a lot of salt, as anything that old suffers the same issues as chinese whispers. - That the garden of eden is a beautiful testament of man's desire to be free willed and control our own destiny (which is our humanity). - That genesis is the documentation of the birth of the first intelligent humans, albiet incredibly loosely and very metaphorical. - That satin and god are just part of ourselves (human nature - the good and bad) and entirely personal, and not some special external spirit being. - That morality and values are completely subjective, with the only objective truth coming from rationalised arguments within particular communities - in which case objective truth is just a large subjective truth of more people. As such, I will never judge another adversely on what I consider wrong, instead I will try and understand their motivations, and compare the values behind the motivations with my own values, so I can undertand where they are coming from, as everyone is good, they just go about it in different ways I feel.

balupton commented 9 years ago


Open-Collaboration Entrepreneur, using technology to expose opportunities for collaboration


Same as Twitter

Always testing what I know and don't know. Deliberately living #moneyless #homeless and #vegan to discover where on the line sustainable becomes unsustainable.

balupton commented 9 years ago



Benjamin "balupton" Lupton has been passionately freelancing since 2006, the same time he started university at 15. Working outdoors he believes in graceful clean code and specializes with Web 2.0 technologies such as Ajax, jQuery, MooTools, Zend Framework and Doctrine ORM. He's armed with an armada of rich open-source solutions aimed at pushing your websites further. Learn more about him at his website, or follow him on twitter.



I live in Perth, Western Australia, and went to Lathlain Primary School (represent) with the year of 2002. Then to Como Secondary College until 2005, which was when I decided that I was too cool for school and switched to TAFE full time instead. So doing that, it allowed me to start university at Curtin in 2006, a year earlier than what I was suppose to, so at the age of 17. At this time I also started working for real clients (the ones that actually give you real money) as a self employed web developer. In 2005 I fell in love with the Swiss exchange student I had at the time after a few months of living together. She stayed in total for about a year and then left back to Switzerland. Both being in puppy dog love at the time, I flew over on the following xmas (that's when you go awwww how sweet). I had the best time of my life, and the saddest time when I had to leave on the last day of January. The whole thing crashed and burned in June of 2006 when we agreed to have an open relationship as the primitive emotion of jealousy kicked in... So I moped around and eventually I met another girl, she picked me up off my feet, but it was short lived. So then came the year 2007, which was just sitting back and relaxing, as I figured with karma, if I just keep a mellow stream of alright, then that's ok. But for 2008, I realised you need extremes to make it memorable otherwise it's [just] ok which really isn't that good. However half way through this year of extremes, I went too hard on life and landed myself in hospital with my first anxiety panic attack which lead to me on a few rough months where I lost my mind and needed psychiatric help to recover. All is fine now, so no worries there, and Karma has taken it's place once again, and things are great. I worked in the city as a web systems developer for a while but eventually decided my soul is still with freelancing so doing that again and loving it! 2009 has all been about festivals, bars, concerts and meeting new people :-). 2010 was a big year, it involved a new relationship, moving out and moving in and moving out again, but most all it's been the year of growth. 2011 is looking to be the year of ventures!


Used on website,

Each day my products are installed in thousands of websites, empower millions of website users, and are constantly praised in social media networks. These outstanding results are achieved through my extreme commitment to quality and excellence in everything I do. My time isn't spent spreading word through social media, instead my time is spent in creating quality solutions that inspire people to spread praise everywhere they go. I'm an expert at what I do and I love doing it.


Note the change from expert to fantastic.

Each day my products are installed in thousands of websites, empower millions of website users, and are constantly praised in social media networks. These outstanding results are achieved through my extreme commitment to quality and excellence in everything I do. My time isn’t spent spreading word through social media, instead my time is spent in creating quality solutions that inspire people to spread praise everywhere they go. I’m fantastic at what I do and I love doing it.

Personally, liberation and empowerment are everything to me. These two key values drive me forward each and every step on my own epic journey. They've lead me to be able to do the work I'm most passionate about full-time, and in life have driven me to marry the most amazing woman I could ever know. Most importantly, they've lead myself to an unsurmountable curiosity and empathy towards the world and everything within it.

Even with all the experiences I've had in my life, the sour and the sweet - I'm blessed to have been part of every single one, for they have been the pieces that have built the me of today. The sour will continue to make myself stronger and build that thirst for success and improvement, while the sweet will serve as that warm encouragement that I'm on the right path.

Thanks for being part of my journey, sincerely,

  • Benjamin


Talk bio:

Professional web developer since 2005, specialist in JavaScript since 2009, used Node.js since v0.3. Created over 200 open-source JavaScript projects including over 180 npm packages (over 9 million downloads a month), History.js (over 8000 github stars), and DocPad (over 2000 github stars).

balupton commented 9 years ago


Hey! Before I die, I wish to see everyone enabled to do what they love, share their love with the entire world, and live well. This is a big calling, and I'm chipping away at it steadily.

This has worked well for me so far; for the past several years I've been the most active open-source developer in Australia and one of the most prolific in the world; my technical projects have been used in some of the world's biggest web-sites/apps (Basecamp, Spotify, Ustream) and by some of the world's biggest companies (Microsoft, Adobe, GitHub, Atlassian), touching their millions upon millions of users; my non-technical projects have also gotten widespread adoption over the years.

The key skill set I've used to accomplish this is my natural ability to quickly understand complex systems and simplify them in disruptive ways, a burning need to do good in the world, and an instinctive tenacity for always finding a way even in the most difficult of situations.


Trimming this from the profile, as I've revised the entire profile, and thus consider this unnecessary.

Some filters for hiring me. Give me power and I'll qualify traditions, I'll unstick what is holding your technology back, I'll solve the right problems, I'll produce valuable results. Dependency injection is a terrible idea - it is complex and unnecessary, your tests should guarantee what you actually deliver to clients, not what you imagine. Automate whatever can be automated - leave no room for redundancy and human error, eliminate fragile code and inconsistent standards. Document everything and checklist procedures - you shouldn't be a bottleneck, you want more collaboration with less onboarding. Use the right tools for the job - don't build a Jenga Tower on rotting traditions. Criticise ideas, not people - people know things you don't.

balupton commented 9 years ago



Make open-collaboration the defacto standard for people changing the world


Open-Collaboration Entrepreneur. Husband. Stepdad. Vegan. Pantheist. Agnostic.

Personally, liberation and empowerment are everything to me. These two key values drive me forward each and every step on my own epic journey. They've lead me to be able to do the work I'm most passionate about full-time, and in life have driven me to marry the most amazing woman I could ever know. Most importantly, they've lead myself to an unsurmountable curiosity and empathy towards the world and everything within it.


Life is what you make it, so don't waste it.

Why I'm on Couchsurfing


I strongly believe that everyone, no matter who they are - has a story, and that story makes them who they are today and that it is a story worth listening to. How people got where they are, the opportunities they've experienced (or perhaps didn't) and how their passions have influenced their lives - now that is good riveting conversation!

So not only here to meet great people, but also here to host too. Couch surfers/hots are just great people and I love the vibe.

I do understand that lots of people are pressed for time, and sometimes even me - if you guys are up for chat, I will try my best to make sure we all have a great experience (host and surfer) if time allows. Sometimes as a host I'll be pressed for time, and sometimes as a surfer - but can always try to make time to chat if that's your cup of tea :D (or coffee... or whatever)


Just meeting great people. Incredibly curious and open-minded to learning about different cultures, perspectives and ways of going about life.


People and Perspectives. I believe one of the goals of life is to gain clarity by adjusting your lense by being exposed to different perspectives.

In regards to my work, I'm a huge aficionado of JavaScript, CoffeeScript, Node.js, HTML5 and Open-Source.

Music, Movies & Books

Movies: Cloud Atlas, The New World, Vanilla Sky, Before Sunrise, Before Sunset, Ben X, Children of Men, The Beach, Donnie Darko, Lost and Delirious, Stay, The Reader, The Notebook, The Matrix Revolutions, Lion King, Braveheart, Influencers, Reservation, Cloverfield, Closer, Moon, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, SIGNS, Cashback, The Last Kiss, Garden State, Chasing Amy, Forest Gump, Matchstick Men, Finding Neverland, Waking Life, A Goofy Movie, Once, The Fountain, Romeo + Juliet, Merlin, A Beautiful Mind, The Count of Monte Cristo, 2 Days in Paris, Into the Wild, Two Lovers, Remember Me, You Are Never Too Old For A Disney Movie, New York, I Love You, Rafiki, Notte Sento

Books: Think & Grow Rich, The Alchemist, E-Myth, A New Earth, Rich Dad Poor Dad, Conversations with God, How to win friends and influence people, The Pilgrimage, Dare to Win, Chicken soup for the soul, 4 hour work week, Lean startup

Music: Post-Rock mostly, but anything except angry and gansta music

One Amazing Thing I've Done

Become a top 30 most active open-source developer in the world, and one of the most followed developers in Australia.

Earn my full-time income from donations and sponsorship from people, believing in what I do, allowing me to do what I love everyday.

Gave a 45 minute story telling presentation to an audience of 400 people at the biggest web development conference in India.

Spent 5 weeks in Bali scouting locations for a co-work and co-live location for entrepreneurs.

Got married to an amazing woman, and became a stepdad to two children.

Teach, Learn, Share

While I specialise in web applications and open-collaboration (see my website for details), I'm also trained in Neuro-Linguistic Programming - the science of how hypnotic language, learning difference, and limiting belief elimination - we can find out how your unconscious sees yourself in your world, and how you best learn as well as how others learn to! Truly fascinating stuff - but every time I talk about it, I learn more even from people who never heard of it before!



Reignite my life. Stop thinking so much. Utilise my mind again as a tool for my soul rather than the driver. Experience more daily joy. Experience moments again.


Benjamin is undergoing scheduled maintenance.


Coming up with great questions and answering them - staying true to myself by discovering myself - enabling joy through company and reducing oppression through education - are all passages deeply rooted in my soul. I've recently discovered that I'm my own person.

Doing the right thing by myself, the planet, and all those within it are all important things to me. I'm vegan for all three of those reasons.


I enjoy travel and believe that money is only required for things that are scarce, I do not believe company, transit, food, or shelter should be scarce as they are all resources that we have in excess, and thus could be shared to save the world.

Plus, couchsurfing people are awesome.


Trimming this from my Couch Surfing profile:


I will be presenting a talk at Node.js Interactive Conference on Sept 16. The conference runs between Sept 15 and Sept 18. Sometime between Sept 19 and 23 I will head to Berlin.

My flight leaves Perth, Western Australia on Sept 12 and arrives in Amsterdam on Sept 13. It then departs Amsterdam on Oct 2 to arrive back in Perth on Oct 3.

In need of hosts between those dates, and keen to hang out with other surfers too. Ready to make new friends! 😊

The talk I am presenting is:

balupton commented 8 years ago

Email signatures


Benjamin Lupton Bringing the pieces together at Bevry Creator of History.js, DocPad, Startup Hostel, among others | | skype balupton | tweet @balupton

P.S. Due to time being the only true limited resource, I'll have to spend it incredibly well. So while I'll try to respond to every single email I receive, those who pay for my time will be first in line.

balupton commented 7 years ago



Runner, maker of smoothies, stir frys, and apps, enjoys walks, shores, and activities, travels often, author, speaker, trainer, hitchhiker. 🌱


Coder of tools, apps, and businesses. Motorbike wanderer throughout Asia. Here are some of the photos from my journey that I think are nifty.

balupton commented 6 years ago



Developer since 1998, JavaScript & PHP since 2005, JavaScript & Node.js since 2010. Trader since 2017. Founded @bevry

balupton commented 6 years ago

Angel List

2011 or earlier


Passion my sword, courage my armour, empowerment my quest. ENTP/Inventor.

What I do: ENTP/Inventor. I'm an entrepreneur who loves simplifying over-complicated things and liberating markets - mostly for developers but also end users.

Achievements: Having both myself, and two of my projects securing a place in the world's most watched/followed open-source people and projects :-)

What I'm looking for: The opportunities to be accelerated into greater levels of success. If I can connect with people who believe in me, what I'm trying to accomplish and would like to help make it happen by providing talent, advice and/or financial support that would be amazing!


An open research, development, and training company aimed at world liberation.

Research: We build projects out of necessity which deprecate everyday pain-points. They are all open-source, and are the main generation of our clients.

Development: We allow for commercial support, implementation and sponsorship of our research projects, as well as the traditional custom development contracts.

Training: We provide online courses, corporate trainings, monthly hackathons, and special offers to teach others our skills and help them with our projects.

balupton commented 6 years ago

Stack Overflow / Stack Exchange


## [Benjamin "balupton" Lupton][1] <br/> 
### Web 2.0 Architect · January 2005 to present · Australia <br/>

Each day my products are installed in thousands of websites, empower millions of website users, and are constantly praised in social media networks. These outstanding results are achieved through my extreme commitment to quality and excellence in everything I do. My time isn't spent spreading word through social media, instead my time is spent in creating quality solutions that inspire people to spread praise everywhere they go. I'm an expert at what I do and I love doing it.

**Website:** [Personal][1], [Company][2]



Now the same as LinkedIn.

balupton commented 8 months ago

Archived github bio:

Alive since 1989, coder since 1998, JavaScript & PHP since 2005, JavaScript & Node.js since 2010, philosophy since 2017. Founder @bevry.


Benjamin furthers the commons and the humanities using the monikers balupton and bevry.

To be consistent with github bio readme, as well as make it simpler for the new backers shoutouts.