bamanzi / scrapbook

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Open bamanzi opened 10 years ago

bamanzi commented 10 years ago

*** unix/shell

    * [X] [[][20 Funny Commands of Linux or Linux is Fun in Terminal]]
    * [X] [[][The funny side of Linux command line - MyLinuxBook | MyLinuxBook]]
    * [X] [[][Zsh 技巧三则 — LinuxTOY]]
    * [ ] [[][系统管理员工具包: 充分利用 zsh]]
    * [ ] [[][终极Shell——Zsh — LinuxTOY]]
    * [ ] [[][使用 Zsh 的九个理由 - 博客 - 伯乐在线]]
    * [ ] [[][使用 Zsh 的九个理由 - Linux技术问答 - Linux中国 | - 我们的Linux中文社区]]
    * [ ] [[][chris blogs: 10 new zsh tricks you may not know...]]
    * [ ] [[][Making the Transition to zsh | Linux Magazine]]
    * [ ] [[][One shell to rule them all... - (think)]]
    * [ ] [[][Shell programming with bash: by example, by counter-example]]

*** unix/linux-distro
    * [?] [[][Changing From Microsoft Windows To Linux Mint 11 | HowtoForge - Linux Howtos and Tutorials]]
    * [?] [[][AppStream: Linux 软件统一安装框架 {新闻} | Wow!Ubuntu]]
    * [?] [[][The Linux Mint Blog ? Blog Archive ? Linux Mint poll]]
    * [?] [[][DebianArt/Themes/SpaceFun - Debian Wiki]]
    * [?] [[][Debian 6.0 (squeeze)发布啦 - 巴蛮子's Blog]]
    * [X] [[][Debian Cleanup Tip #3: get rid of third-party packages]]
    * [X] [[][Debian Cleanup Tip #1: Get rid of useless configuration files | apt-get install debian-wizard]]
    * [X] [[][Debian Cleanup Tip #2: Get rid of obsolete packages | apt-get install debian-wizard]]
    * [X] [[][Packaging tips for unofficial Debian packages]]
    * [?] [[][Squeeze finally landed]]
    * [?] [[][ - All sites]]
    * [?] [[][The Linux Mint Blog ? Blog Archive ? LMDE 201101 32-bit re-spin]]
    * [?] [[][The Linux Mint Blog ? Blog Archive ? Linux Mint Debian (201012) released!]]
    * [X] [[][Howto to rebuild Debian packages]]
    * [ ] (总结)RHEL/CentOS 5.x使用第三方软件库(EPEL与RPMForge、RPMFusion软件库

*** unix/ssh

    * [X] [[][Mounting Remote Directories With SSHFS On Ubuntu 11.10 | HowtoForge - Linux Howtos and Tutorials]]
    * [X] [[][10 Awesome PuTTY Tips and Tricks You Probably Didn’t Know]]
    * [X] [[][SSH everything: TOC]]
    * [X] [[][? 25 条 SSH 命令和技巧 Wow! Ubuntu]]
    * [X] [[][Turbocharge PuTTY with 12 Powerful Add-Ons – Software for Geeks #3]]
    * [X] [[][How To Get SSH Command-Line Access to Windows 7 Using Cygwin - How-To Geek]]

*** unix/screen-tmux

    * [X] [[][从 screen 切换到 tmux — LinuxTOY]]
    * [ ] [[][Byobu Pimps Your Linux Terminal ~ Web Upd8: Ubuntu / Linux blog]]
    * [X] [[][tmux 配置 & 使用 - yjj1s的专栏 - 博客频道 - CSDN.NET]]
    * [X] [[][GNU Screen v.s. tmux ? demonstrate 的 blog]]
    * [X] [[][Tmux - ArchWiki]]

*** unix/grep

    * [X] [[][ack 1.96 -- better than grep, a source code search tool for programmers]]
    * [X] [[][grep everything]]
    * [ ] [[][glark: A replacement for (or supplement to) the grep]]
    * [X] [[][Is Glark a Better Grep? |]]
    * [X] [[][grin 1.2.1 : Python Package Index]]

*** unix/misc

    * [X] [[][Best 60 Ubuntu Linux Applications For Year 2011 [Editor's Pick]]]
    * [X] [[][Ubuntu Hacks/Virtualization and Emulation - WikiContent]]
    * [?] [[][[How to] Make Ubuntu 11.10 Look and Feel Like GNOME 2]]
    * [ ] [[][10 Best Tutorials of 2011 |]]
    * [ ] [[][KNOPPIX Persistent – Saving settings to USB | USB Pen Drive Linux]]
    * [ ] [[][Deprecated Linux networking commands and their replacements ? Doug Vitale Tech Blog]]
    * [ ] [[][优秀的Unix管理员应具有的9大品质_TechWeb]]
    * [ ] [[][The 20 Best How-To Geek Linux Articles of 2010 - How-To Geek]]
    * [X] [[][Learn Perl in about 2 hours 30 minutes]]
    * [X] [[][How to Combine Rescue Disks to Create the Ultimate Windows Repair Disk - How-To Geek]]
    * [X] [[][How To Boot 10 Different Live CDs From 1 USB Flash Drive - How-To Geek]]
    * [ ] [[][Colinux,不是虚拟机,胜似虚拟机 - 半冷半暖秋天 - C++博客]]
    * [ ] [[][How To Make A Hotkey On The Linux Console LG #55]]
    * [X] [[][The 10 Cleverest Ways to Use Linux to Fix Your Windows PC - How-To Geek]]
    * [ ] [[][Download []]]
    * [ ] [[][6 Steps for Minimal Ubuntu Installation Using debootstrap]]
bamanzi commented 10 years ago
** (part 2)
***  misc

    * [X] [[][Markdown 语法说明(简体中文版)]]
    * [ ] [[][150 Best Windows Applications Of Year 2011 [Editor's Pick]]]
    * [ ] [[][100 Best Google Chrome Extensions Of 2013]]
    * [ ] [[][List of unreleased plugins - TotalcmdWiki]]
    * [ ] [[][The Ultimate Guide To Keyboard Remapping]]
    * [ ] [[][The Beginner’s Guide to Using an AutoHotkey Script - How-To Geek]]
    * [ ] [[][Windows Programing: AutoHotkey Tutorial]]

*** Firefox

    * [X] [[http:/][28 Coolest Firefox About:Config Tricks]]
    * [ ] [[][keyconfig快捷键的自定义 - 斯年余芳 - 博客园]]
    * [X] [[][25 Most Popular Firefox Support Tips in 2010 | Firefox Facts]]
    * [ ] [[][Mouseless Browsing + KeySnail 打造 Firefox 键盘(无鼠标)浏览 | Hello World!]]
    * [ ] [[][Xiao Shan ? How to use userChrome script]]
    * [ ] [[][Tips - keysnail - GitHub]]
    * [ ] [[][Vimperator:VIM化的Firefox(新增tc网友投稿) | 善用佳软]]
    * [X] [[][50 Best Firefox Addons Of 2013]]

*** python

    * [X] [[][sh 1.03 — sh 1.03 documentation]]
    * [X] [[][Python 包工具之间的关系 | Life @ Refactoring]]
    * [X] [[][Using IPython for parallel computing — IPython v0.12 documentation]]
    * [X] [[][Hidden features of Python - Stack Overflow]]
    * [X] [[][What IDE to use for Python? - Stack Overflow]]
    * [X] [[][Building Python extensions for Windows with only free tools |]]
    * [ ] [[][Unicode for dummies — Encoding ? Python Conquers The Universe]]
    * [ ] [[][Unicode for dummies – just use?UTF-8 ? Python Conquers The Universe]]

*** emacs
    * [ ] [[][Tips and tricks - Vimpulse - Trac]]