bambulab / BambuStudio

PC Software for BambuLab and other 3D printers
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Bambu Studio Feature Requests #1169

Open Hallowed-75 opened 1 year ago

Hallowed-75 commented 1 year ago

Measurement Tool - A great addition to Bambu Studio would to add a measurement tool as when scaling only outside measurements are given. If inside dimensions or other dimensions information is needed you have to guess. Also the ability to have option for measurement tool to snap to edges and corners would be great. Also if the points of the measurement tool could be used to accurately move text, add part, add negative part, add modifier into position.

Text Placement - Another great addition would be to select a face for text, select horizontal or vertical, select additive or negative. Positioning to be able select centering, left, right, up, down, and to be able to set margin from edges for quick placement. Also see above for using measurement tool to add point for text positioning.

Moving Parts, Negative Parts, Modifiers, and Text - Would also like to have a key constrain when using mouse to move these items to be able to hold CTRL which would constrain movement of item vertically with no side to side movement, SHIFT which would constrain movement of item horizontally with no up or down movement.

Initial Purge Volume - Add ability to be able to set initial purge volume in the filament settings.

AMS Backup Spool - As I’ve seen others state to be able to select backup spool for prints so if first spool runs out it automatically continues the print from backup spool selected.

Filament Purge & Prime Tower option to use filament to print additional part - A option to use this wasted filament to print an additional part on the build plate. Instead of the waste be able to add a part that you don’t care what the color outcome is that this wasted filament is used to print. (As long as there is room on the plate for said part.)

Mouse Ears - For parts with minimal bed surface contact add feature of mouse ears that can be placed along edges and corners where needed. Also mouse ears with post where the mouse ear is a small distance from object being printed (0.5mm) and a small post connects the mouse ear to the object. This allows for less post processing time for removal. You can do mouse ears manually now by adding cylinder and adjusting to first layer and positioning, but this feature would be a time saver for implementing these. Add it to the Brim section of Studio.

Spiral Vase Mode Start At Selected Layer - Add feature to print normally up to a certain layer and switch to vase mode for slicer.

julie777 commented 1 year ago

Some of these are in Prusa Slicer 2.6, such as measuring and I think text. Will that automatically cause them to appear in Bambu Slicer during the next sync of the Prusa code?

liftbag commented 1 year ago

Please, consider porting the brim ears from SuperSlicer, where they are well implemented with a number of very useful parameters.

liftbag commented 1 year ago

Spiral Vase Mode Start At Selected Layer - Add feature to print normally up to a certain layer and switch to vase mode for slicer.

Great suggestion!

MartianDrummer commented 1 year ago

Please, consider porting the brim ears from SuperSlicer, where they are well implemented with a number of very useful parameters.

Pretty Please, and Thanks!!! I use the Brim Ears in SS and they are a huge help!!!

kvandelden commented 1 year ago

++ Measuring Tool

gsingh93 commented 1 year ago

You should make individual Github issues for these feature requests, otherwise it will be difficult for the developers to track and prioritize them.

MaxLansing commented 11 months ago

Surface Mode from Cura

JoosepVr commented 11 months ago


rglm3 commented 10 months ago

Fix Vase mode to correctly spiralize models. Vase mode in the slice leaves a visible seam due to the way the program is calculating the model contour. This has been an issue for years.

gsingh93 commented 10 months ago

I don't work for Bambu, but please don't add on anymore feature requests in the comments. It's just noise, no one is looking at them. Make a new issue.


Other requests in the initial post aren't as relevant for me, feel free to make your own issues for them and link them here.