bambulab / BambuStudio

PC Software for BambuLab and other 3D printers
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Add GCode viewer / progress screen #1997

Open AdamLeyshon opened 1 year ago

AdamLeyshon commented 1 year ago

Feature Request Please add a view which allows you to see the current print job as visualised gcode, Ideally this would be synchronised with the printer so we can track exactly where it is in the job.

This is a feature I miss a lot from OctoPrint

When you have very large and complex jobs, looking at the current layer number isn't entirely useful and if you've cleared the build plate, the preview screen cannot help you find where it is in the current print.

The GCode viewer is also useful for finding problematic areas that are causing a print to fail or look wrong, possibly due to excessive number of retractions for example.


Since we cannot integrate third party software at present, it seemed reasonable to ask for the feature.

RJSavell commented 9 months ago

I was thinking the same thing - Ye,s please add this as an option when viewing the live print.

MarkDerbyshire commented 8 months ago

This would be a great addition. I miss the Octoprint viewer

p1ranha commented 7 months ago

This would be really really handy considering slow preview of camera on A1 Mini. It should be possible to switch from camera view to gcode current layer preview.

WolfspiritM commented 7 months ago

Would love this, too. As a first step it would even be enough for me to have a small version of the "Preview" tab visible in the device tab with everything up to the current layer visible. Maybe rotated per default to where the camera would be. I don't really need the steps inside a layer. But it would help to have a visual comparison between how it looks and how it should look.

tobiberger commented 5 months ago

This is definitely one of the main things I'm missing since switching to a Bambulab printer, coming from an Octoprint setup. Hope this gets picked up soon.

Yashrg commented 5 months ago

I was looking for something like this too.

nex6 commented 3 months ago

Full agreement with the rest of you, love my Bambu but the live G-code viewer is something I am really missing

MartynWilliams commented 2 months ago

Bump ... This would be a great feature. Alas no one as been assigned to look at the suggestion.

ProtoBotic commented 1 month ago

i like the gcode plot/veiwer below.