bambulab / BambuStudio

PC Software for BambuLab and other 3D printers
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Toggle to inform Bambu Studio of a P1P that was upgraded to a P1S via the official upgrade kit #2161

Closed adam2104 closed 6 months ago

adam2104 commented 1 year ago

I recently upgraded my P1P to a P1S using the official upgrade kit sold in the Bambu Store. However, Bambu Studio still sees the printer as a P1P (as expected). This prevents me from using the P1S filament/printing presets which have different temperature and cooling properties than the P1P's presets.

Describe the solution you'd like It would be great if there was some way to inform Bambu Studio that my P1P has been upgraded to P1S capabilities so as to unlock the P1S printing and filament presets / profiles. Perhaps this could be done with a setting in the machine profile?

Describe alternatives you've considered I tried just using the P1S profile in Bambu Studio but it displays a warning about incorrect g-code when attempting to send a print to the printer. I also tried creating user-made presets with the parameters matching the system presets but this is tedious, prone to error, and won't receive automatic updates like the stock presets.

RyanEwen commented 1 year ago

Would be even better if there was the option to flash the P1S firmware. Alternatively a toggle in the P1P firmware settings menu to mark it as upgraded to P1S.

This way every first-party tool (Bambu Studio, Bambu Handy) and third-party tool (things that use MQTT like Home Assistant P1Touch, etc) can automatically determine P1P vs P1S rather than each having some kind of workaround of their own.

TheSadCollector commented 1 year ago

I hope they do this! When I try and do flow dynamics or flow rate it only lets me use presets from P1P instead of P1S.

datashit commented 1 year ago


naldoxable commented 1 year ago


d-komarov commented 1 year ago

As a temporary workaround to prevent warning about incorrect g-code I just change the model_id from C12 to C11 in resources\profiles\BBL\machine\Bambu Lab P1S.json.

lilyharuna commented 1 year ago

+1. I really want this feature.

IMiteBeWrong commented 12 months ago


Would really appreciate this as well; I was a little surprised that it wasn't already implemented by the time the first public shipments of the upgrade kit went out.

The kit includes front plate with the P1S logo on it. I may be silly to assume, but this somewhat suggests to me that once the kit is installed, Bambu Labs considers it a P1S (And obviously the rest of the parts included appears to make it identical).

Still waiting on mine to ship, should go out by the end of this month... Hopefully this will be added by then.

Thank you!

skuridin commented 11 months ago

Front panel of the printer literally says P1S, but Bambu Studio thinks otherwise. This creates unnecessary confusion.

Would be great to hear some feedback from the maintainers.

tsmith35 commented 11 months ago

The biggest issue that the misidentification causes has to do with process profiles. The process profiles have two basic identifiers: "X1C" or "P1P".

This means that any profiles for the X1, X1C or P1S will happily work with all of them. But if a P1P is selected as the device, none of the user process profiles will appear. They're just not available.

I've found two ways to deal with the situation: one is to duplicate all of the user process profiles and meticulously change them to have "P1P" in the appropriate places. The other is to manually choose "P1S" as the printer type. And, of course, acknowledge the incorrect machine type for... Every. Single. Job.

Ideally, with the creation of the P1P-to-P1S kit, users should be given a means of selecting which printer identity is desired. It can be on the printer, it can be in the account or it can be in the software. Resorting to text-editing json files to work around a programming error is not a good solution. It's almost as bad as spending hundreds to update an MK3S+ to an MK3.9 -- if I am upgrading, I don't want to end up with a 99% upgrade.

RyanEwen commented 11 months ago

I received 2 new P1S's today to go along side 2 P1P's which I will be upgrading to P1S's, and I can already see how annoying it is going to be if I can't have the P1P's identified as P1S's.

None of my custom P1P filament profiles or quality profiles can be used with my new P1S's. It's going to be frustrating to duplicate all of my custom profiles, and the frustration will continue forever if I have to maintain both sets of profiles whenever I make changes to one in the future.

Please allow the P1P to be flashed with P1S firmware (and vice-versa in case of downgrade/mistake). Or at least create a printer setting to mark upgraded P1P's as P1S's from the LCD menu.

capsel22 commented 11 months ago


sl1nki commented 11 months ago


Phil-Barker commented 11 months ago


IAmTheFuzz1 commented 10 months ago

+1 Official upgrade parts should mean official firmware compatibility.

benr916 commented 10 months ago

Waiting on this too!

tworstwots commented 10 months ago

Three months and nothing... this should be an easy fix, what gives?

marczai commented 10 months ago

+1 Want it too. Waiting atm on the website to buy the kit.

rickmills commented 10 months ago

+1 Very disapointing that such a trivial change hasn't been added to either handy or studio, or heck even just a toggle on the printer UI itself.

kyzxyz commented 10 months ago


SuperRonanCraft commented 10 months ago

definite deal breaker, waiting on a firmware update before buying the upgrade kit, not wanting to click confirm each time I want to print the same model on multiple printers

tokamac commented 10 months ago


Would be even better if there was the option to flash the P1S firmware. Alternatively a toggle in the P1P firmware settings menu to mark it as upgraded to P1S.

This way every first-party tool (Bambu Studio, Bambu Handy) and third-party tool (things that use MQTT like Home Assistant P1Touch, etc) can automatically determine P1P vs P1S rather than each having some kind of workaround of their own.


Please allow the P1P to be flashed with P1S firmware (and vice-versa in case of downgrade/mistake). Or at least create a printer setting to mark upgraded P1P's as P1S's from the LCD menu.

as well as

definite deal breaker, waiting on a firmware update before buying the upgrade kit, not wanting to click confirm each time I want to print the same model on multiple printers

@QingZhangBambu, are you listening? If this is not something to do with the Bambu Studio source code (admittedly), can you nevertheless pass on this insistent request to the developers who handle the printer firmwares, please?

danieleof commented 10 months ago


Zakary64 commented 10 months ago

+1 I created an account just to bump this issue because I recently upgraded my P1P to P1S and it's annoying to press the confirmation that I am using the "wrong" gcode for my actually upgraded printer. Please make my devices see it as it is

Jacc79 commented 10 months ago

I was thinking of buying the part that contains the firmware. I don't know which part has the firmware. I can only guess, but I think it's on the AP card. I was thinking of buying a P1S AP katy for P1P and swapping it. However, I did not find an AP card among the accessories at Bambu.

tsmith35 commented 10 months ago

Just contact support and ask then to send you an invoice for the board. Pay and they'll send it. I think it's about $50 for the P1x AP board.

rickmills commented 10 months ago

It'll be the mainboard, but that's not a realistic solution as it'll be one of the most expensive parts of the whole printer, not to mention this really is a simple case of a firmware fix, and an update to bambu's cloud api to support pushing out a notice that the printer has been upgraded so that its serial can be marked as a P1S in their DB instead of a P1P, or at very least marked as an upgraded P1P so it fixes all the weird issues you get when trying to use P1S presets.

QingZhangBambu commented 10 months ago

I will talk to the concerned staff about that.

tsmith35 commented 10 months ago

I will talk to the concerned staff about that.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Honestly, a simple toggle in the UI would do it. There's really no harm in describing a P1P as a P1S, or vice-versa, since they functionally operate the same.

I could add fans and an enclosure to my P1P and have a P1S clone, or I could take a P1S and open it up (remove glass and possibly replace back cover) for ease of maintenance if using it for PLA and PETG on a print farm. They're still operationally equivalent.

QingZhangBambu commented 10 months ago

Here is some information I've learned, you may want to know now:

  1. Studio does not prohibit you from printing P1S profile, P1S's profile is compatible. this warning is aimed to tell you that the printer type is different from the type set on the firmware to avoid someone having the wrong type selection. Click "confirm", and keep print.
  2. This warning depends on the machine type set on the firmware. For now, Changing machine type in firmware may cause other issues on firmware.
QingZhangBambu commented 10 months ago

@sodachen22 please track this issue, and consider a fix in the feature.

tsmith35 commented 9 months ago
  1. Studio does not prohibit you from printing P1S profile, P1S's profile is compatible. this warning is aimed to tell you that the printer type is different from the type set on the firmware to avoid someone having the wrong type selection. Click "confirm", and keep print.

Thank you for the response. While the requirement for clicking "confirm" is not a major issue, it is a major annoyance to anyone that has purchased the P1S upgrade kit. It is a constant reminder that they didn't purchase a "real" P1S (even if the upgrade covers everything but the firmware), thereby devaluing what would otherwise be a wonderful upgrade and making purchasers of the upgrade regret said purchase.

"Factory" P1S = $699 P1P ($599) + P1S "upgrade kit" ($150) = $749

It's insulting to pay $50 beyond the price of a "factory" P1S, then be constantly reminded that one really only owns a P1P. An upgrade to a different model designation should be a "true" upgrade, i.e., the P1P should become a true P1S. The confirmation dialog serves no purpose, as the user is certainly quite aware of what they own and doesn't need to be unintentionally shamed for having upgraded their Bambu Lab product every single time they submit a print job.

If I accidentally sent a P1P print job to a P1S, what bad things might happen? Absolutely nothing. What about sending a P1S print job to a P1P? Will that cause major problems? No. It will work exactly the same as expected. If I'm not smart enough to tell that my printer has an enclosure (or not), I should probably find another hobby.

  1. This warning depends on the machine type set on the firmware. For now, Changing machine type in firmware may cause other issues on firmware.

I have serious doubts about two identical printers, differentiated only by a handful of non-critical components, suffering any issues from sharing the same firmware. The difference between a P1P and a P1S is:

  1. Body panels and taller back panel
  2. A door and top glass
  3. Three (3) additional fans
  4. A cable chain with reinforced cable
  5. A front bezel for appearance only
  6. A carbon air filter
  7. Three (3) pieces of PTFE tubing
  8. A few bits of data in firmware

There is nothing there would be adversely affected by replacing the letter "P" with the letter "S" in the firmware. If the firmware works on a P1P, it will work 100% on a P1S. If it works on a P1S, it will work 100% on a P1P. It shouldn't take an act of congress to implement a minor feature ("Do you have a P1P or a P1S?") in firmware. It's just not that difficult. It's not.

Jacc79 commented 9 months ago

It is simply incomprehensible why they don't let you upgrade P1P to P1S once they sell the upgrade package.

RyanEwen commented 9 months ago
  1. Studio does not prohibit you from printing P1S profile, P1S's profile is compatible. this warning is aimed to tell you that the printer type is different from the type set on the firmware to avoid someone having the wrong type selection. Click "confirm", and keep print.

Thank you for the response. While the requirement for clicking "confirm" is not a major issue, it is a major annoyance to anyone that has purchased the P1S upgrade kit. It is a constant reminder that they didn't purchase a "real" P1S (even if the upgrade covers everything but the firmware), thereby devaluing what would otherwise be a wonderful upgrade and making purchasers of the upgrade regret said purchase.

"Factory" P1S = $699 P1P ($599) + P1S "upgrade kit" ($150) = $749

It's insulting to pay $50 beyond the price of a "factory" P1S, then be constantly reminded that one really only owns a P1P. An upgrade to a different model designation should be a "true" upgrade, i.e., the P1P should become a true P1S. The confirmation dialog serves no purpose, as the user is certainly quite aware of what they own and doesn't need to be unintentionally shamed for having upgraded their Bambu Lab product every single time they submit a print job.

If I accidentally sent a P1P print job to a P1S, what bad things might happen? Absolutely nothing. What about sending a P1S print job to a P1P? Will that cause major problems? No. It will work exactly the same as expected. If I'm not smart enough to tell that my printer has an enclosure (or not), I should probably find another hobby.

  1. This warning depends on the machine type set on the firmware. For now, Changing machine type in firmware may cause other issues on firmware.

I have serious doubts about two identical printers, differentiated only by a handful of non-critical components, suffering any issues from sharing the same firmware. The difference between a P1P and a P1S is:

  1. Body panels and taller back panel
  2. A door and top glass
  3. Three (3) additional fans
  4. A cable chain with reinforced cable
  5. A front bezel for appearance only
  6. A carbon air filter
  7. Three (3) pieces of PTFE tubing
  8. A few bits of data in firmware

There is nothing there would be adversely affected by replacing the letter "P" with the letter "S" in the firmware. If the firmware works on a P1P, it will work 100% on a P1S. If it works on a P1S, it will work 100% on a P1P. It shouldn't take an act of congress to implement a minor feature ("Do you have a P1P or a P1S?") in firmware. It's just not that difficult. It's not.

This is well put.

It was painful to migrate my print quality profiles and filament profiles from P1P to P1S, but I eventually did it. Now every time I send a print and am reminded that the machine type doesn't match, I feel like my upgraded machines are lower class citizens, or fake. And yet they cost more than my new P1Ss.

I was tempted to request purchase links for P1S AP boards but that would be a waste of money and effort for hardware I already have on hand and installed in the machine.

If modifying the firmware to allow switching between P1P and P1S is not ideal or Bambu, then I think they should setup a system similar to how beta firmware is obtained. For beta firmware, we can send our serials and then beta firmware will be pushed to our machines. Let us send in our P1P serial numbers, and push out P1S firmware to our machines.

As it is now, I feel bitterness and resent, since the upgrade packages are not true upgrades. Not to mention they don't include the chamber fan duct, and the door gasket is the wrong color.

threadstone83 commented 9 months ago


mighty-melthor commented 9 months ago


danicolome commented 9 months ago

I completely agree, if you update the p1p to p1s it is in all areas, including the firmware. Please Bambu, we want a solution

czsquizer commented 9 months ago

Hello, is there any progress on it, please?

djgringoboy2003 commented 9 months ago

This needs bumped, simply annoying...

JakubComi commented 9 months ago

+1 I really want to buy the kit but this is really dumb to have it like that. And also, the maker world printing will force the P1P instead of P1S… Please, please 🙏 make it that we can upgrade via OTA like beta FW or make some toggle, to make it work flawlessly as an ACTUAL P1S. Thanks!

nilvanis commented 9 months ago

Studio does not prohibit you from printing P1S profile, P1S's profile is compatible. this warning is aimed to tell you that the printer type is different from the type set on the firmware to avoid someone having the wrong type selection. Click "confirm", and keep print.

It's not just that. If you want to use manual calibration in Bambu Studio, your created profile will be created for P1P, not P1S and you need to manually migrate it.

capsel22 commented 9 months ago

Studio does not prohibit you from printing P1S profile, P1S's profile is compatible. this warning is aimed to tell you that the printer type is different from the type set on the firmware to avoid someone having the wrong type selection. Click "confirm", and keep print.

It's not just that. If you want to use manual calibration in Bambu Studio, your created profile will be created for P1P, not P1S and you need to manually migrate it.

I didn't realise this either. How do you migrate profile from P1P to P1S?

Phil-Barker commented 9 months ago

It's honestly very annoying on a lot of levels

I had upgraded my P1P pretty much from day 1 to have a motherboard fan and a printed enclosure. You have to add GCode to start and stop the fan as it's not included in the P1P profile. Every time there's an update you don't get updated GCode because you're using a custom one, so I had to do a file compare and manually migrate the changes over.

As the P1S upgrade kit physically changes the hardware to match the P1S, it's enclosed, the fans need to run, you absolutely SHOULD use the P1S settings, but then get a stupid warning every time you print that you're printing to the wrong machine.

This seems like such a simple fix but 5 months later I doubt we're ever going to see support for it

tsmith35 commented 9 months ago

It's not just that. If you want to use manual calibration in Bambu Studio, your created profile will be created for P1P, not P1S and you need to manually migrate it.

I didn't realise this either. How do you migrate profile from P1P to P1S?

Basically, you have to save the values created for your P1P (even if it's been upgraded, it's still a P1P to Bambu Lab) and manually enter them into your so-called "P1S" profile.

Trust me, it's just easier to pretend you still have a P1P, since Bambu Studio and OrcaSlicer both see your upgrade-P1S as just a P1P. It's baked into your printer's firmware. Enjoy the enclosure and treat your upgrade-P1S like it's still a P1P, and you won't have to acknowledge the popup (which appears every single time you try to print) that says you're trying to print to a P1S and your printer reports that it's a P1P.

I'll bet it would take exactly two bytes in the firmware to eliminate that popup, but the only way around it is to sell your so-called P1S and buy a real P1S.

JakubComi commented 9 months ago

And now they have rised the price… Now it isnt worth it:

kyzxyz commented 9 months ago

Everyone, please post in the forum

itsonlymedan commented 9 months ago

An application for users to fill out to upgrade to P1S firmware with prerequisites and then an OTA firmware update. This is annoying

marko-hologram commented 9 months ago

And now they have rised the price… Now it isnt worth it:

Yeah I checked the product few minutes ago out of curiosity and was amazed by the price increase. I think it's about 60-70% more expensive now. Even with the current discount (-25%) that's running, the price is higher than it used to be. Hopefully nobody is actually buying it for that price. I'm glad I got mine while the price was still somewhat reasonable.

JakubComi commented 9 months ago

And now they have rised the price… Now it isnt worth it:

Yeah I checked the product few minutes ago out of curiosity and was amazed by the price increase. I think it's about 60-70% more expensive now. Even with the current discount (-25%) that's running, the price is higher than it used to be. Hopefully nobody is actually buying it for that price. I'm glad I got mine while the price was still somewhat reasonable.

You are lucky one 😁 I didn’t and probably won’t get it for that price… But I am kinda sad, this is hillarious…

naldoxable commented 9 months ago

True, in Italy I bought it at 164€ and now its about 215€ with 25% discount.

JakubComi commented 9 months ago

Wow, I want to do so, but I didn’t because it was sold out :( Do you know some resellers that have it for lower price that bambu now? In EU