bambulab / BambuStudio

PC Software for BambuLab and other 3D printers
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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shrinkage of filament #2769

Open riccalisci opened 8 months ago

riccalisci commented 8 months ago

please add scale parameter in the filament setting preset (like orca slicer) for shrinkage compensation of some materials (ASA or ABS for exemple). It would be really convenient and useful.


Gil80 commented 8 months ago

+1 on this request. I don't understand why it is not there to begin with.

QingZhangBambu commented 8 months ago

ok. I want to know why you want that.

riccalisci commented 8 months ago

because I print a lot of PLA (it's more convenient faster for the initial prototyping phase) and then in ASA/ABS, but I have to remember to increase and decrease the scale of the project every time I change material. Furthermore, if for example you cut the object and the scale is at 100.5%, the scale resets to 100%, but the object remains at 100.5% of original dimension.

Gil80 commented 8 months ago

ok. I want to know why you want that.

Each filament has different characteristics. As you know, even color additives alter a filament's properties.

  1. Having the "Shrinkage" field in the filament's properties tab, allows for a granular control over the filament in all the planes of X,Y,Z.
  2. The process tab only applies shrinkage compensation on X and Y plane.
  3. It's not reasonable to save the process tab per-filament roll when considering each filament has different shrinkage value.
  4. It makes more sense to have a process per filament type (PLA, PETG, etc.), and the shrinkage per-filament-roll.
  5. This feature is available on all common slicers except Bambu Studio.
  6. At the very least, have this field available when enabling the Advanced option.

Thank you.

QingZhangBambu commented 8 months ago

ok, I will test it.

Gil80 commented 7 months ago

ok, I will test it.

any idea if this feature request will make it into the next slicer release?

riccalisci commented 7 months ago

ok, I will test it.

any idea if this feature request will make it into the next slicer release?

Not yet

tsmith35 commented 6 months ago

any idea if this feature request will make it into the next slicer release?

Not yet

This is already a feature within the filament parameters in OrcaSlicer. Perhaps the necessary code could be pulled from there? It is easy to use. Print a 100mm x 100mm square. If the square measures at 98mm, just fill in 98% and the slicer will compensate.


stony2k commented 5 months ago

I agree. My X1 prints PLA with exact 0.2 mm undersize. When scaling the part i. X and Y to 100.12 % the real part ist about 99,99% to the real measures, which it good enough. Some shrinkage option is much appreciated instead of scaling every part every time.

minusmagis commented 5 months ago

We need this, I have the same problem as @Gil80 where I prototype with PLA or PETG and then use ASA for the final part. The tolerances and real size end up all over the place.

Thanks a lot for taking a look into this @QingZhangBambu

MarkJeronimus commented 5 months ago

@stony2k If your shrinkage is is the same in mm for both large and small parts, then you have to use the "X-Y contour compensation" and/or "X-Y hole compensation" in the global options. Only if your shrinkage is measured in percent, then you will need the currently-missing "Shrinkage" parameter.

Gil80 commented 5 months ago

@MarkJeronimus that's just on the X-Y plane. The missing shrinkage option applies for the Z as well and it's much more manageable to set it per filament.

PanamonCreel commented 4 months ago

@Gil80 Shrinkage compensations, like in Orca Slicer for example, only apply to the X-Y axis. The Z axis usually is not so much effected by the material contraction after extrusion since the cooled layers below already shrank back when you stack a new one on top so there it is more of a matter of z axis movement/build platform position precision than material contraction. Z axis shrink would maybe be a factor if you printed with very high build chamber temperatures and a material that has a high CLTE (e.g. unfilled Nylon, PE,...etc.) however the compensation factor would still be less than that for the XY axis thus would need a separate entry.

riccalisci commented 3 months ago

How is it possible that the shrinkage setting is not in the 1.9 beta yet? :(

marcosscriven commented 3 months ago

Just adding support for this idea as well. Would be very handy - have been bitten many times by ASA parts that are 0.5% too small.

Ic33s commented 2 months ago

THE feature which makes OrcaSlicer the only used Slicer used for my Bambu X1C. Don't undestand, that it not already integrated (along with x-y, x-z, y-z skew compensation - which is not doable otherwise in the closed source environment from Bambu Lab). I would love to have the new exact height slicing feature, but not on the cost of not having my shrinkage settings taken away. Without this feature the X1C is much worse than my old tuned in Prusa MK3s regarding dimensions, which is a shame.

An further impovement to give different xyz shrinkage factors would be great.

QingZhangBambu commented 2 months ago

this feature has been added to our plan list. but according to the schedules, it will be added later. sorry to keep you waiting

brandonraineri commented 2 months ago

Please add this. It’s a PITA scaling parts manually for say ABS/ASA. Orca already has this implemented in the filament settings.

The original request is like 1.5yrs old now.

QingZhangBambu commented 2 months ago

@brandonraineri don't worry, it is in our next version feature plan list already.

emberprototypes commented 1 month ago

Absolutely insane that this isn't a feature already. I've been doing this manually for years and can't believe how slow people have been to adopt this for accuracy sake

Please add this very soon @QingZhangBambu

andredigenova commented 1 month ago

+1 to this, pain manually scaling parts for each filament and then keeping track of what each material requires myself.

emberprototypes commented 1 month ago

Orca slicer has this implemented and I'm considering changing to it for now until Bambu adds this in. Just a heads up for anyone else who needs this feature.

mtwomey commented 1 month ago

+1 wanting this feature so I can switch back to Bambu slicer.

BigFansStudio commented 1 month ago

I found that all the dimension of my printed parts is seriously inaccurate after the parts is cooling down. For example, I printed a rounded diffuser plate with initial diameter 60.5mm, after cooling it became 59.8mm. I printed a long shaft with initial length 160mm, after cooling it became 159.4mm.

I just recevied my A1 two days ago and I am very disappointed with the XY accuracy. Even my 5 years-old Anycubic Mega X can print more accurate. I am a Mechanical Engineer that always need to design parts and use it in my machine. Bambulab printers provide a lots of feature and nice printing surface quality. However, without the XY calibration / Shrinkage compensation feature, Bambulab is only good for leisure and FUN purpose, such like printing toys, figures and stuffs that do not require a high accuracy.

j-collom commented 2 weeks ago

@QingZhangBambu Do you have any sort of estimated delivery date yet? Someone commented it is supposed to be in 1.9 is this correct? What is the estimated delivery date for 1.9?

QingZhangBambu commented 2 weeks ago

@j-collom it is in the plan list of 1.10. So it will be released in the next public version( not the beta version )