bambulab / BambuStudio

PC Software for BambuLab and other 3D printers
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
1.7k stars 230 forks source link

Video Feed Freezes Application #4345

Open zymojoe opened 1 week ago

zymojoe commented 1 week ago

Bambu Studio Version

Where is the application from?

Bambu Lab Official website

OS version

Windows OS10

Additional system information

No response


Bambu Lab X1C

How to reproduce

  1. open application
  2. select Device tab
  3. select printer
  4. click green circle "Play " button for video
  5. Prgram freezes and requires force quit and restart

Actual results

actual results require force quitting the application and rebooting. happens every single time, 10 of 10 tries

Expected results

Screenshot 2024-06-21 122824

Project file & Debug log uploads

Screenshot 2024-06-21 122824

Checklist of files to include

bambu123 commented 5 days ago

Please follow the wiki and config GPU for BambuStudio.

zymojoe commented 4 days ago

I was able to resolve the issue. I have both integrated and discrete GPU's. Bambu Studio was assigned to the Nvidia GPU and was unable to accept the streaming video. I manually assigned the integrate GPU and it fixed the issue.