bambuser / BambuserPlayerSDK-iOS

SDK of Bambusers live video shopping player for iOS
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Unpublished Podspec #16

Closed CTOverton closed 3 weeks ago

CTOverton commented 3 weeks ago

I noticed when the podspec was created yesterday that it noted the Firebase dependencies at the specific version 10.18.0, I made a pr that was merged last night I believe to instead use the minimum version 10.18.0.

However, though this pr was merged I don't believe the updates have been published to CocoaPods. When I try to use the BambuserPlayerSDK pod in my project I get the conflict

RNFBFirestore (from `../node_modules/@react-native-firebase/firestore`) was resolved to 19.3.0, which depends on
      Firebase/Firestore (= 10.24.0)

BambuserPlayerSDK (~> 1.5.3) was resolved to 1.5.3, which depends on
        Firebase/Firestore (= 10.18.0)

Once the changes to BambuserPlayerSDK pod have been published this should resolve the issue. It may need a version bump to 1.5.4 as well.

saeidbasirnia commented 3 weeks ago

Hi @CTOverton, podspec is updated in specs. Please make sure you cleared Cocoapods cache and Podfile.lock,

rm -f Podfile.lock
pod cache clean --all

and update your podfile:

pod 'BambuserPlayerSDK', :git => '', :tag => '1.5.3'

and then use

pod install --repo-update

It should resolve the issue. Please let me know if you still facing the same issue.

CTOverton commented 3 weeks ago

@saeidbasirnia this is a good workaround for now, in the future though if you want to install this pod from the cocoapods resolution with just

pod 'BambuserPlayerSDK', '~> 1.5.3'

I believe the pod needs to be published to the trunk, and since version 1.5.3 was already there it may need a version bump to 1.5.4 since it currently is still resolving with the Firebase requirement of 10.18.0 instead of the minimum. This would explain why using the direct Github git link for the pod works but using just the name has the older version.

CTOverton commented 3 weeks ago

Seems to be working now, so maybe it was something on my end or maybe your team made a new publish haha, thank you anyways @saeidbasirnia! And I appreciate your teams response to issues it really helps 🙏