bambuser / bambuser-livevideoshoppingplayer-sdk-ios

This SDK helps you add a Bambuser live shopping player to your UIKit and SwiftUI apps.
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Matas feedback - performace #10

Open JesperBerthelsen opened 2 years ago

JesperBerthelsen commented 2 years ago

The idea of just showing the full video in a smaller view, does not perform well in the app, and we want to avoid users seeing a loading spinner when video starts. We want it to play immediately, so a video preview/thumbnail solution could be really cool. I know Mathilde also want this functionality on,

JesperBerthelsen commented 2 years ago

Your comment:

Yeah there is delay in the beginning when metadata is being fetched and initial buffering is taking place. You are perhaps looking for some sort of load call to do prefetching "off-screen" and then start actual playback with a play call? Another way would be as you suggested to show a thumbnail/overlay/preview while loading and then hide it based on an playing event. the. But, we will look into ways to improve the initial flow and user experience.

JesperBerthelsen commented 2 years ago

Prefetching could be great, but it would also be nice to have an option to create a looping video thumbnail (e.g. 5 seconds long), we can show on our home screen, and when the users tap it, the full video opens up in fullscreen.

JesperBerthelsen commented 2 years ago

Any updates on this one?

ken-bam commented 1 year ago

No we have not taken any action on this one yet.